
时间:2025-01-12 作者:胡祺凡 来源: 浏览:




1. Yang RN, Li DZ, Yi SC, Wei Y, Wang MQ. Odorant-binding protein 19 in Monochamus alternatus involved in the recognition of a volatile strongly emitted from ovipositing host pines[J]. Insect science, 2024,31(1):134-146.

2. Yang RN, Li DZ, Yi SC, Wang MQ. Evolutionarily conserved odorant-bindingproteins participate in establishing tritrophic interactions [J]. iScience, 2022,25(7):104664.

3. Yang RN, Li DZ, Yu G, Yi SC, Zhang Y, Kong DX, Wang MQ. Structuraltransformation detection contributes to screening of behaviorally active compounds: dynamicbinding process analysis of DhelOBP21 from Dastarcus helophoroides[J]. Journal of chemical ecology,2017, 43(11-12): 1033-1045.

Curriculum Vitae

Personal information

Name: Yang Ruinan

Gender: Female

Degree: Ph.D

Professional Title: Lecturer


Tel: 010-80727620

Educational Experience

2016.9-2023.6: Huazhong Agricultural University, Doctoral Degree in Agriculture

2010.9-2014.6: Shandong Agricultural University, Bachelors Degreein Agriculture

Work Experience

2023.8-now: Department of Plant Protection, College of Bioscience and Resource Environment, Beijing University of Agriculture

Research Focus

Molecular biology and chemical ecology of important agricultural and forestry pests

Representative papers

4. Yang RN, Li DZ, Yi SC, Wei Y, Wang MQ. Odorant-binding protein 19 in Monochamus alternatus involved in the recognition of a volatile strongly emitted from ovipositing host pines[J]. Insect science, 2024,31(1):134-146.

5. Yang RN, Li DZ, Yi SC, Wang MQ. Evolutionarily conserved odorant-bindingproteins participate in establishing tritrophic interactions [J]. iScience, 2022,25(7):104664.

6. Yang RN, Li DZ, Yu G, Yi SC, Zhang Y, Kong DX, Wang MQ. Structural transformation detection contributes to screening of behaviorally active compounds: dynamicbinding process analysis of DhelOBP21 from Dastarcus helophoroides[J]. Journal of chemical ecology, 2017, 43(11-12): 1033-1045.

关闭 打印责任编辑:王俭成

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