
时间:2022-09-27 作者:胡祺凡 来源: 浏览:





Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Baodong Yang, Lecturer of Department of Plant Protection, Beijing University of Agriculture (BUA); graduated from the Department of Plant Protection, Northeast Agricultural University in 2000, with a Master degree of agronomy; joined in BUA as a teacher since July, 2000. 

Teaching courses: 

Pesticides, Pesticides and its safe application, Weed Science, Plant Quarantine, Forest Entomology, etc.

Research interests:

Researches were focuses on chemical control of plant diseases and pests, risk assessment of pesticide resistance, and development and application of biogenic agents.

Contact information:

Email: ybd7500@126.com;Tel: 86-010-80799008


关闭 打印责任编辑:赵筱萌

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