陈艳, 博士(后),副教授,北京农学院硕士生导师。1994年毕业于西北农林科技大学植物保护系,获学士学位;1997年毕业于西北农林科技大学植物保护系,植物病理专业,获硕士学位;2003年毕业于西安交通大学,生命科学和技术学院,生物医学工程专业,获博士学位。2004-2007年美国夏威夷大学,博士后;2009-2013年,中国科学院微生物研究所,博士后。2013年调入北京农学院生物与资源环境学院植物保护系。现任北京农学院植物健康研究院副院长。
研究方向为农药研发、植物绿色防控及病害监测预警模型构建。 主持首都科技创新券项目-新型碘制剂的开发及对植物病害的防治应用;主持北京市教委科技计划一般项目—五味子杀菌剂的开发与利用;参与北京市智能温室蔬菜创新团队建设项目;参与北京市乡村振兴农业科技项目;主次国家自然科学基金-子课题项目:类受体胞质激酶亚家族VII在植物先天免疫中的作用。
代表性成果:发表科技论文26篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者的论文18篇,Sci及ISPT收录论文10篇;授权发明专利5项;发表教改论文6篇;副主编 《农药学实验原理与方法》;参编普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材《生物化学与分子生物学实验指导》。代表性文章及专利如下:
(1)Long Linfang , Zhao Qifang,Zhang Fulong, Tang Ran, Chen Yan*. Inhibitory effect of benzocaine from Schisandra chinensis on Alternaria alternata[J]. Scientific Reports, 2024,14: 6691 (通讯作者) .
(2)Yu Baoyi,Yin Hao, Abulikemu Zulipikaer, Zhang Futing,Jia Yi, Zou Zu-xin, Chen Yan*. Antimicrobial actibities of three Cu-based coordination polumers[J]. Polyhedron, 2024,261:117082 (通讯作者).
(3)Yi Haijing, Chen Yan*, Liu Jun, Zhang Jie, Guo Wei, Xiao Weilie, Yao Yuncong. Extraction and separation of active ingredients in Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill and the study of their antifungal effects. Plos one. 2016, May 6, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154731. (*共第一作者);
(4)Chen Yan*, Hu Xiaoping. High throughput detection of banana bunchy top virus from banana plants and aphids with real-time TaqMan® PCR. Journal of Virological Methods,2013,193, 177-183。
(5)隆林芳, 张富龙, 唐冉, 方紫薇,陈艳. 五味子有机酸对植物病原真菌的抑菌作用[J]. 农药, 2023, 62(5): 369-373. doi: 10.16820/j.nyzz.2023.1020
(6)陈艳*、肖伟烈、刘俊、姚允聪、伊海静、石一鸣、魏朝俊、庞金环. 一种五味子提取物及其在抑菌中的应用,2017,中国,ZL201410743704.8;
(7)陈艳*、何朝族、陈银华、黎秀琼、庞金环. 一种与水稻稻瘟病抗性相关的蛋白及其编码基因与应用;2015, 中国,ZL201310092242.3;
(8)陈艳;郑燕英;李龙;张富龙;王永琪;王懿艺. 一种从鸡血藤中提取黄酮类化合物的方法。2024,中国,ZL202111503016.0
联系方式:北京昌平区回龙观镇北农路7号北京农学院生物与资源环境学院,邮编 102206,Email:cheny@bua.edu.cn,电话:010-80715483
Curriculum Vitae
I. Personal information
Yan Chen, Ph.D, associate professor, Master's supervisor.Plant Protection Department, the College of Bioscience and Resources Environment, Beijing University of Agriculture (BUA).
Dr. Chen is a member of the Chinese Society of Plant Pathology and the Beijing Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Society.
II. Research interests
She research focuses on pesticide development, plant green prevention and control, and the construction of disease monitoring and early warning models.
III. ResearchProjects
She has presided over more than 20 national, provincial and ministerial projects, among which the most important are:
1. Holded the Capital science and technology innovation voucher project - Development of new Iodine preparations and their application in prevention and control of plant diseases.
2. Holded the general project of the Beijing municipal education commission's science and technology plan - the development and utilization of Schisandra fungicides.
3. Expert in the research and application of green pest and disease control technology for the construction of the Beijing intelligent greenhouse vegetable innovation team in the modern agricultural industry technology system.
4. Participate in the research and demonstration of key technologies for the integration and upgrading of Beijing's smart crop protection system and AI big model in the agricultural science and technology project of rural revitalization in Beijing.
5. Holded a sub-project of the National natural science foundation of China: The role of receptor like cytoplasmic kinase subfamily VII in plant innate immunity.
IV. Major Achievements
She published more than 20 articles, among which the most important are:
(I) Representative works
1. Yan Chen, Associate Editor, Principles and Methods of pesticide Experiment (Chinese Version),Science Press,2018.
2. Yan Chen, Contributing Editor, Guidance for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Experiments, China Forestry Press, 2015.
3. A method for extracting flavonoids from chicken blood vine. Patent number: ZL202111503016.0
4. A Schisandra extract and its application in antibacterial activity Patent number:ZL201410743704.8;
5. High-throughput detection of banana bunchy top virus in banana plants and aphids using real-time TaqMan PCR.Patent number:ZL201210042111.X
6. A protein and its coding gene related to rice blast resistance. Patent number:ZL 201210085553.2
(Ⅱ) Representative papers
1. Yu Baoyi,Yin Hao, Abulikemu Zulipikaer, Zhang Futing,Jia Yi, Zou Zu-xin, Chen Yan*. Antimicrobial actibities of three Cu-based coordination polumers[J]. Polyhedron, 2024,261:117082 (Corresponding author).
2. Long Linfang , Zhao Qifang,Zhang Fulong, Tang Ran, Chen Yan*. Inhibitory effect of benzocaine from Schisandra chinensis on Alternaria alternata[J]. Scientific Reports,2024,14: 6691. (Corresponding author) .
3. Long Lin-fang, Zhang Fulong, Tang Ran, Fang Ziwei、Chen Yan*. The antibacterial effect of organic acids from Schisandra chinensis on plant pathogenic fungi[J]. Pesticide, 2023, 62(5): 369-373. doi: 10.16820/j.nyzz.2023.1020 (Corresponding author, in Chinese).
4. Yi Haijing, Chen Yan*, Liu Jun, Zhang Jie, Guo Wei, Xiao Weilie, Yao Yuncong. Extraction and separation of active ingredients in Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill and the study of their antifungal effects. Plos one. 2016, May 6, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154731. (*Co-first author);
5. Chen Yan*, Hu Xiaoping. High throughput detection of banana bunchy top virus from banana plants and aphids with real-time TaqMan® PCR. Journal of Virological Methods,2013,193, 177-183。
V. Contact information
Postal address: College of Bioscience and Resources Environment, Beijing University of Agriculture, No. 7, Beinong Road, Huilongguan, Changping, Beijing, 102206
Contact number: 010-80715483
Email: cheny@bua.edu.cn