
时间:2022-09-27 作者:刘烨 来源: 浏览:












Zhang, L., Gaston, L. A, Sun, W., & Selim, H. Magdi. (2018). Transport of Cationic Silver  in Soils:  Miscible Displacement Experiments and Nonlinear Modeling. Soil science, 183, 11-21.

Selim, H. M., Newman, A., Zhang, L., Arceneaux, A., Tubaña, B., & Gaston, L. A. (2016). Distributions of organic carbon and related parameters in a Louisiana sugarcane soil. Soil & Tillage Research, 155, 401–411.


Liyun Zhang

Beijing University of Agriculture, Department of Biology, Resources and Environment, Lecturer

Research Interests: Adsorption, migration and remediation of inorganic/organic pollutants in soil, bioremediation of organic pollutants, residue and remediation of organic pollutants in farmland, etc.


(1) 2013-08 to 2019-12, University of Georgia, Crop and Soil Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy

(2) 2011-08 to 2013-06, Louisiana State University, Crop and Soil Sciences, Master of Science

(3) 2007-09 to 2011-07, China Agricultural University, Resource and Environment Sciences, Bachelor

Research Projects:

1. Beijing University of Agriculture, Youth scientific research and innovation ability improvement plan, Mechanisms of soil organic matter regulates the migration pyrethroid degradation genes in soil, 2022-01 to 2024-12, 100,000 yuan.

2. Beijing University of Agriculture, University youth fund, Sorption and transformation of plasmid in soils, 35,000 yuan.

3. Joint project of Beijing Municipal Education Commission and Municipal Natural Science Foundation, Screening of pyrethroid pesticide-degrading bacteria in soil and cloning and expression of degrading enzyme genes, 2019-01 to 2021-12, 800,000 yuan.

4. USA Savannah River Site, Plasmid Sorption and Transformation in soil Environment, 2016-08 to 2019-08.

5. USA Savannah River Site, Contaminant immobilization in cementitious materials, 2016-01 to 2019-08, 64,000 USD.

6. USA Savannah River Site, DOE Tritium Phytoremediation Project, 2015-01 to 2019-08, 60,000 USD.

7. Louisiana State University, Sorption and transportation of heavy metals in soil, 2011-08 to 2013-06.


1. Yonglu Wang1, Liyun Zhang1, Shumin Zhang, Shiliang Zhu, Fengsong Zhang, Guixiang Zhang, Bihua Duan, Rui Ren, Hongyu Zhang, Meng Han, Yi Xu, Yuyang Li, Regulating pathway for bacterial diversities toward improved ecological benefits of thiencarbazone-methyl·isoxaflutole application: A field experiment, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 352, 2024, 120037.

2. Yonglu Wang, Fengsong Zhang, Xiaoyong Liao, Xiao Yang, Guixiang Zhang, Liyun Zhang, Chaojun Wei, Pengge Shi, Jiongxin Wen, Xiaorong Ju, Can Xu, Yang Liu, Ying Lan, Disturbance mitigation of thiencarbazone-methyl·isoxaflutole on bacterial communities through nitrification inhibitor and attapulgite, Environmental Pollution, Volume 340, Part 2, 2024, 122840, ISSN 0269-7491.

3. Zhengyu Ji1, Liyun Zhang1, Yuanwang Liu, Xiaqing Li, Zhaojun Li, Evaluation of composting parameters, technologies and maturity indexes for aerobic manure composting: A meta-analysis, Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 886, 163929.

4. Fengsong Zhang, Liyun Zhang, Yonglu Wang, Huaxin Wang, Sexual hormones in a coastal river adjacent to the Bohai Sea: Characteristic pollutants and dominantly influencing factors, Environmental Research, 2022, 122(A), 113133

5. Liyun Zhang ; Lewis A. Gaston ; Wenguang Sun ; H. Magdi Selim ; Transport of Cationic Silver in Soils: Miscible Displacement Experiments and Nonlinear Modeling, Soil Science, 2018, 183(1): 1 1-21    

6. H. Magdi Selim; Aril Newman ; Liyun Zhang ; Allen Arceneaux ; Brenda Tubana ; Lewis A. Gaston ; Distributions of organic carbon and related parameters in a Louisiana sugarcane soil, Soil & Tillage Research, 2016, 155(2016): 401-411    


1. Liyun Zhang ; Jarad Cochran ; Persistence and Transformation of Escherichia coli with Plas mids in Minerals and Soils , Soil Science Society of America International Soils Meeting  (2019), San Diego, CA, 2019-01-06 to 2019-01-09    

2. Liyun Zhang ; Jarad Cochran ; John C Seaman ; Benjamin Parrott ; Adsorption of bacterial pla smids in pure mineral mixtures, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting  (2017) , New Orleans, LA, 2017-12-11 to 2017-12-15    

3. Liyun Zhang ; John C Seaman ; DNA Partitioning to Soils and Soil Minerals, ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings (2016), Phoenix, AZ, 2016-11-6 to 2016-11-9  

4. Liyun Zhang ; John C Seaman ; Persistence and Expression of Extracellular DNA in the Soil Environment, ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings (2015), Minneapolis, MN, 2015-11-15 to 2015-11-18  

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