
时间:2022-09-27 作者:赵木子 来源: 浏览:











1. 北京市教委科研计划,设施土壤中残留杀菌剂的光解去除机理及应用

2. 北京市农委新型生产经营主体科技能力提升项目

3. 横向课题:化工园区综合废气排放特征分析及处理技术研究

4. 农业农村部委托项目:调研评估盐碱地开发利用机制。

5. 农业农村村部委托项目:宅基地制度改革试点成果总结。


1. 王萌, 王敬贤, 刘云, 李春蕾, 肖文发. 湖北省三峡库区1994-2014年农业非点源氮磷污染负荷分析. 农业环境科学学报, 2018, 37(2): 294-301. (通讯作者)

2. 陈玉艳, 王萌, 王敬贤, 梁琼, 刘云, 陈波. 北京农学院常见树种吸附大气颗粒物能力研究. 北京农学院学报, 2018, 33(4):100-103.

3. 王敬贤, 高凡, l刘云, 梁琼, 贾月慧, 段碧华. 3种重金属对土壤表面百菌清光解的影响. 北京农学院学报, 2016, 31(3):52-56. (第一作者)

4. Chen Zhihui, Qi Ji, Shi Shuai, Wang Jingxian, Liu Yun. Investigation and development of eco-tourism resources after ecological restoration in mentougou district of Beijing. Applied Mechanics and materials, 692(2014): 103-108.(通讯作者)

5. Chen Zhihui, Qi Ji, Wang Jingxian, Liu Yun. Loss estimation of agricultural non-point source pollution in the surrounding villages of the ming tombs reservoir. 2014 International conference on environmental protection and human health. ISBN: 978-1-60595-230-7. (通讯作者)

Wang Jingxian, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Master's Supervisor

Department: Department of Resources and Environment

Email: 18611384068@163.com

Educational Background:

1997-2001, Dalian University of Technology, Bachelor

2001-2007, Dalian University of Technology, Doctor

Work experience:

Working in Beijing University of Agriculture since July 2007.

Teaching work: Teaching undergraduate courses such as "Environmental Monitoring", "Professional Training Course 4", "Environmental Engineering", "Introduction to Agricultural Resources and Environmental Science", and teaching graduate courses such as "Environmental Protection and Ecological Engineering".

Research work: Mainly engaged in the study of the migration, transformation behavior and degradation mechanism of environmental pollutants in the environment. Presided over a number of provincial and ministerial level projects and crosswise tasks.

Research projects:

1. Beijing Municipal Education Commission Research Program: Photolytic Removal Mechanism and Application of Residual Fungicides in Facility cultivation soil. (KM201310020003)

2. Beijing Municipal Agricultural Commission's Project for Technological Capability Enhancement of New Types of Production and Business Entities (1083252001/009)

3. Crosswise tasks: Study on the characteristics analysis and treatment technologies of mixed emission gas in chemical industrial parks.

4. Project commissioned by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Research and evaluation on the development and utilization mechanism of saline alkali land.

5. Project commissioned by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Summary of homestead reform results in experimental sites.

Selected Publications:

1. Wang Meng, Wang Jingxian, Liu Yun, Li Chunlei, Xiao Wenfa. Analysis of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution loads from agricultural non-point sources in the Three Gorges Reservoir of Hubei Province from 1991 to 2014. Journal of Agro-Environment Science, 2018, 37(2): 294-301. (Corresponding author, in Chinese)

2. Chen Yuyan, Wang Meng, Wang Jingxian, Liang Qiong, Liu Yun, Chen Bo. Study on the ability of common tree species absorbing atmospheric particulates in Beijing University of Agriculture. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture, 2018, 33(4):100-103. (Corresponding author, in Chinese)

3. Wang Jingxian, Gao Fan, Liu Yun, Liang Qiong, Jia Yuehui, Duan Bihua. Effect of three kinds of heavy metals on the photodegradation of chlorothlonil on soil surface. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture, 2016, 31(3):52-56. (First author, in Chinese)

4. Chen Zhihui, Qi Ji, Shi Shuai, Wang Jingxian, Liu Yun. Investigation and development of eco-tourism resources after ecological restoration in mentougou district of Beijing. Applied Mechanics and materials, 692(2014): 103-108.(Corresponding author

5. Chen Zhihui, Qi Ji, Wang Jingxian, Liu Yun. Loss estimation of agricultural non-point source pollution in the surrounding villages of the ming tombs reservoir. 2014 International conference on environmental protection and human health. ISBN: 978-1-60595-230-7 (Corresponding author)

关闭 打印责任编辑:刘泽宇

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