
时间:2022-09-27 作者:赵木子 来源: 浏览:






1998/09 - 2002/07,山西大学,环境与资源学院,环境学,学士。

2002/09 - 2007/07,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,环境科学,博士。






1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“多胺氧化酶FaPAO5调控草莓抗旱及果实品质的信号转导机制32272648),2023.01-2026.1254万元,项目负责人

2. 中国环境科学研究院横向委托课题生态文明示范市县创建复核及成效研究2021.1-2022.1221万元,项目负责人

3. 中国环境科学研究院横向委托课题,生态城市建设典型案例比较研究2020.1-2021.1220万元,项目负责人

4. 北京市教委科研计划项目:多胺调控草莓抗盐及果实品质改善的生理及分子机制(KM202310020013),2023.1-2024.1215万元,项目负责人


[1]. Gao F, Li J Y, Li W J, Shi S, Song S H, Shen YY*, Guo JX*. Abscisic acid and ployamines coordinately regulate strawberry drought responses[J]. Plant Stress, 2024, 11: 100387.

[2]. Gao F, Guo JX*, Shen YY*. Advances from chlorophyll biosynthesis to photosynthetic adaptation, evolution and signaling[J]. Plant Stress, 2024: 100470.

[3]. Tian M, Gao F*, Zeng Y, Zhang X, Yang C, Guo J, Zhao Y, Chen, S*. Factors impacting human exposure to legacy and emerging contaminants in residential dust in Beijing, China: Characteristics of indoor microenvironment[J]. Chemosphere, 2024, 358: 142095.

[4]. Gao F, Mei XR, Li YZ, Guo JX*, Shen YY*. Update on the Roles of Polyamines in Fleshy Fruit Ripening, Senescence, and Quality[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021, 12: 610313.

[5]. Mo A, Xu T, Bai Q, Shen YY, Gao F*, Guo JX*. FaPAO5 regulates Spm/Spd levels as a signaling during strawberry fruit ripening[J]. Plant Direct. 2020, 4(5): e00217

[6]. 黄艳虹, 高凡*, 郭伟, 郭家选, 王敬贤, 许佟. 基于梯度扩散薄膜技术(DGT)的氨基生物炭覆盖沉积物-水界面铜、铅释放研究[J].湖泊科学, 2020, 32(01): 58-69.

[7]. 高凡, 郑然, 郭家选*, 李玉中, 董少康, 沈元月, 李兴亮. 不同灌溉模式下草莓对水分胁迫的生理响应研究[J]. 灌溉排水学报, 2021, 40(01): 1-6.

[8]. 黄艳虹, 高凡*, 郭伟, 郭家选, 王敬贤, 许佟. 氨基生物炭覆盖对沉积物中铜、铅释放的影响[J]. 环境化学, 2021, 40(06): 1705-1713.

[9]. 刘梦, 董欣越, 杨爱珍, 黄艳虹, 高凡*, 郭家选*. 双酚A对合果芋叶片气体交换参数、叶绿素荧光参数和氧化损伤的影响[J].生态毒理学报, 2022, 17(06): 409-418.

[10]. 董欣越, 邱志豪, 魏朝俊, 高凡*, 郭家选. 呋虫胺在水培草莓植株中的吸收及转运特征[J]. 生态毒理学报, 2023, 18 (03): 410-417.

[11]. 高佳慧, 冀桂明, 李文静, 郭家选, 沈元月, 高凡*. COP9亚基FaCSN5在草莓果实发育过程中的功能分析[J]. 果树学报, 2023, 40 (12): 2536-2547.

[12]. 李文静, 石硕, 张郝, 张江燕, 宋思豪, 杨爱珍, 沈元月, 郭家选*, 高凡*. 外源NO与腐胺对草莓幼苗抗旱性的影响[J].园艺学报, 2024, 51(09): 2131-2142.

Curriculum Vitae

I. Personal information

Fan Gao, Ph.D., Associate Professor, doctoral supervisor. Department of Resources and Environment, College of Bioscience and Resources Environment, Beijing University of Agriculture (BUA). My Lectured Courses: Environmental Impact Assessment, Water Resources Utilization and Management, General Ecology, etc.

Educational experience:

1998/09-2002/07, B.S. in Environmental Science, School of Environment and Resources, Shanxi University.

2002/09-2007/07, PhD in Environmental Science, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Work experience:

2007/09-2009/06, Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University.

2009/06- present, lecturer, and associate professor, Department of Resources and Environment, Beijing Agricultural University.

II. Research interests

Efficient utilization of water and fertilizer, and their environmental pollution control; Plant stress biology.

III. Research Projects in the past 5 years

1. National Natural Science Foundation of China General Project, "Signal transduction mechanism of polyamine oxidase FaPAO5 regulating drought resistance and fruit quality in strawberries" (32272648), 2023.01-2026.12, project leader.

2. Horizontal commissioned project by the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, "Review and Effectiveness Research on the Creation of Ecological Civilization Demonstration Cities and Counties", 2021.1-2022.12, project leader.

3. Horizontal commissioned project by the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, "Comparative Study on Typical Cases of Ecological City Construction", 2020.1-2021.12, project leader.

4. Beijing Municipal Education Commission Research Plan Project: Physiological and Molecular Mechanisms of Polyamine Regulation of Strawberry Salt Resistance and Fruit Quality Improvement (KM202310020013), 2023.1-2024.12, project leader.

Representative papers published as the first author or corresponding author (*) in the past 5 years

1. Gao F, Li J Y, Li W J, Shi S, Song S H, Shen YY*, Guo JX*. Abscisic acid and ployamines coordinately regulate strawberry drought responses[J]. Plant Stress, 2024, 11: 100387.

2. Gao F, Guo JX*, Shen YY*. Advances from chlorophyll biosynthesis to photosynthetic adaptation, evolution and signaling[J]. Plant Stress, 2024: 100470.

3. Tian M, Gao F*, Zeng Y, Zhang X, Yang C, Guo J, Zhao Y, Chen, S*. Factors impacting human exposure to legacy and emerging contaminants in residential dust in Beijing, China: Characteristics of indoor microenvironment[J]. Chemosphere, 2024, 358: 142095.

4. Gao F, Mei XR, Li YZ, Guo JX*, Shen YY*. Update on the Roles of Polyamines in Fleshy Fruit Ripening, Senescence, and Quality[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021, 12: 610313.

5. Mo A, Xu T, Bai Q, Shen YY, Gao F*, Guo JX*. FaPAO5 regulates Spm/Spd levels as a signaling during strawberry fruit ripening[J]. Plant Direct. 2020, 4(5): e00217

IV. Contact information

Postal address: College of Bioscience and Resources Environment, Beijing University of Agriculture (BUA), No.7 Beinong Road, Changping District, Beijing, China, 102206

Telephone: 010-80727678

E-mail: gaofan0324@163.com

关闭 打印责任编辑:刘泽宇

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