
时间:2022-09-27 作者:刘烨 来源: 浏览:








1. 北京市农业农村局:怀柔区桥梓镇口头村和渤海镇六渡河村环境景观“微改造提升”设计(2024.01-2025.12),34万元,在研;

2. 中国环境科学研究院:阿尔山市境内哈拉河水质分析(2024.01-2025.12),13.5万,在研;

3. 善水博通(宁夏)环境科技有限公司:额济纳河及居延海流域生态安全调查与评估(2023.10-2025.12),30万元,在研;

4. 北京市科委:昌平设施草莓土壤营养状况诊断及固碳能力提升(2021.09-2023.09),50万元,结题;

5. 北京市自然基金-教委联合重点:京郊不同尺度生态绿地格局及其对调洪净污功能的影响研究(2018.01-2020.12),80万元,结题;

6. 中国科学院生态环境研究中心:北京城市典型生态绿地调查, 5万元,在研;

7. 中国农业大学:农户土地利用行为调查, 10万元,在研;

8. 北京地质矿产研究院:北京延庆区土壤第三次普查, 10万元,在研;

9. 2017-2018年北京市教委北京市林果业协同创新项目,北京典型区域不同树种减霾能力测定,2017/1-2018/12, 54万元,结题

10. 北京社科规划办智库项目,京郊典型流域生态系统服务功能及生态补偿机制研究,2017/1-12,2万元,结题

11. 国家气象局公益行业面上项目子课题,森林景观格局与服务功能的时空差异研究,2014/01-2016/12,46万元,结题;

12. 国家环保护部和中科院生态环境中心“遥感十年调查”流域专项项目子课题,淮河流域生态系统格局、服务功能及其演变,2011/12-2013/12,20万元,结题;

13. 北京市教委中青年骨干人才项目,京郊景观格局优化研究,2011/1-2013/12,12万元,结题;

14. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,景观格局与过程原理用于京郊农业非点源污染调控机理研究, 2008/1-2011/12,48万元,结题;

15. 国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目,基于景观生态和热红外遥感在城郊土地持续利用中的应用, 2006/1-2008/12,27万元,结题;

16. 北京市委组织部优秀人才培养资助项目,北京浅山区生态旅游资源定量化研究—以昌平为例,2006/1-2007/12,3万元,结题。












1) Lulu Wanga, Xinchao Liu, Xiaoping Xin, Susie Wu, Tsegaye Gemechu Legesse, Yaoqi Zhang, Yun Liu, Zhiyuan Zhao, Kexin Cao, Xiaoyu Zhu*, Changliang Shao** .The greenhouse gas emissions from meat sheep production contribute double of household consumption in a Eurasian meadow steppe. Science of The Total EnvironmentVolume 920, 10 April 2024, 171014.

2) Junyi Chen, Chao Zhang, Yun Liu, Jie Tian*Jianbo Guo. In-Situ Improvement of the Sediment Microenvironment by Nitrate in Tailwater of Wastewater Treatment Plants Combined with Aerobic Denitrifying Bacteria under Low-DO Regulation. Water 2024, 16, 1000. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16071000.

3) 王瑜,王西涵,华玲玲,刘云*,杨丽虎,赵明灿. 环境因子对河流底泥-水界面氮释放规律影响. 环境科学与技术,2024479):110-119.

4) 田菁,陈琳涵,张玉环,赵群,刘云*. 基于ENVI-met模拟冷岛效应指标及差异性分析. 北京农学院学报,2023384):105-109.

5) 田菁,李杏,赵群,刘云*,梁琼. 降雨情景驱动下绿地空间单元及组合产流模拟。2023382):26-30.

6) 王西涵,刘云*,杨丽虎,等. 不同pH条件下河道底泥净化再生水试验研究. 生态与农村环境学报,202238(9) :11811187

7) 王莹,王西涵,刘云*,梁琼,徐艳,石生伟. 平原造林工程影响下的河岸带土壤生态化学计量特征 以北京温榆河昌平段为例. 水土保持学报, 2022, 36(3): 16-22.

8) 王西涵,王莹,刘云*,杨丽虎,梁琼,张茜茜,王浚亦. 不同质量浓度硝态氮在潮白河模拟河床中去除效果研究, 农业环境科学学报, 2022, 41(1): 144-152

9) 陈俊伊,王康,郭钰伦,祝孔豪,巴爱荣,刘云*,赵康顺. 基于稳定同位素技术的保安湖食物网结构特征研究。水生生物学报,2022465):699-706.

10) 王路路,辛晓平,刘欣超,吴汝群,姜明红,刘云*,邵长亮*. 基于全生命周期分析的呼伦贝尔家庭牧场肉羊温室气体排放. 应用与环境生物学报, 2021, 27 (6): 1591-1600

11) Qiong Liang; Chan Wang; Kexin Zhang; Shengwei Shi; Jiaxuan Guo; Fan Gao; Jie Liu; Jingxia n Wang; Yun Liu*. The influence of tree species on soil organic carbon stability under three temp erate forests in the Baihua Mountain Reserve, China, Global Ecology and Conservation, 2021, 26;

12) 刘欣超,王路路,吴汝群,辛晓平,刘云,邵长亮,基于 LCA 的呼伦贝尔生态草牧业技术集成示范效益评估, 中国农业科学,2020,53(13):2703-2714;

13) Yanting Liu, Qiong Liang . Yun Liu* , Haolu Song, Xuyong Li. Study on Regions Non-point Source Pollution at Different Management Level in Longgang District of Shenzhen. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 310 (2019) , IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1755-1315/310/5/052008;

14) Ming Guo, Qiong Liang, Yun Liu *, JinFang Zhang. Study on the Difference of Surface Temperature among Different Vegetation Landscapes Detected by Ground Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 310 (2019) ,IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1755-1315/310/5/052009;

15) 梁琼,潘东妹,代宇欣,石硕,王敬贤,刘云*. 深圳市龙岗区不同管理水平区域面源污染状况研究.水利遥感与智慧水利实践(中国水利水电出版社)2019:218-226

16) 王萌,王敬贤,刘云*,等.湖北省三峡库区1991-2014 年农业非点源氮磷污染负荷分析.农业环境科学学报, 2018, 372):294-301

17) 王萌,刘云*,宋超,等.基于RULSLE 模型的2000-2010 年长江三峡库区土壤侵蚀评价.水土保持通报, 2018, 381):12-17

18) 王萌,刘云*,李春蕾,等. 三峡库区湖北段非点源污染氮磷排放时空分布特征.水土保持通报, 2018, 382):46-52

19) 王萌,刘一超,梁琼,刘云*,陈波. 北京城市森林公园不同树种吸附大气颗粒物能力. 北京农学院学报,2018331),79-83

20) 刘一超,王萌,梁琼,刘云*,陈波. 北京通州不同树种滞纳大气颗粒物的能力. 北京农学院学报,2018331),84-88

21) 陈玉艳,王萌,王敬贤,刘云*,等.北京农学院常见树种吸附大气颗粒物能力研究.北京农学院学报,2018,33(04):100-103

22) 李叙勇,张旺寿,刘云 . 淮河流域生态系统评估. 北京:中国科学出版社, 2017 ;

23) Zhi-Hui CHEN,Ji QI, Shuai SHI, Jing-Xian WANG, Yun LIU*. Investigation and Development of Eco-tourism Resources after Ecological Restoration in Mentougou District of Beijing.  Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 692 (2014) pp 103-108;(EI);

24) Ji QI, Zhi-Hui CHEN, Shuai SHI, Fan GAO, Yun LIU*. Evaluation of Eco-environment Quality in the Scale of County: a Case Study of Changping District. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 692 (2014) pp 109-114;(EI);

25) Shuai SHI, Zhi-Hui CHEN, JI QI, Yun LIU *. Characteristics of Landscape (land use) change and its driving force in county - a case study of Shunyi district of Beijing. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 692 (2014) pp 115-120;(EI);

26) Ji QI, Zhi-Hui CHEN, Fan GAO, Yun LIU*. Change of Cultivated Land and Its Impaction Ecological Service Value in Pinggu District of Beijing. 2014 International Conference on Environmental Protection and Human Health (EPHH 2014), ISBN: 978-1-60595-230-7;(EI);

27) Zhi-Hui CHEN, Ji QI, Jing-Xian WANG, Yun LIU*. Loss Estimation of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution in the Surrounding Villages of the Ming Tombs Reservoir. 2014 International Conference on Environmental Protection and Human Health (EPHH 2014). ISBN: 978-1-60595-230-7;(EI);

28) 王志英,刘云*. 城郊流域岸边带土壤与河流尘积物的重金属污染及分布特征以温榆河昌平段为例.农业环境科学学报,201332(4): 783-791

29) 王志英, 刘云*. 温榆河昌平段尘积物重金属影响因素分析及污染评价. 环境科学研究,201326 (8): 838-843(EI);

30) Liu Yun, et al. Research on relativity between land use structure and agricultural non-point source pollution in upstream of Wenyu River. The International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE 2012).(EI;

31) Liu Yun, et al. Analysis on change and protection countermeasures of Miyun reservoir and wetlands in Beijing based on RS and GIS technology. The International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE 2012).(EI;

32) Liu Yun, et al. Estimation of ecosystem service value in Miyun Rervior and wetland of Beijing based on multi-source data. The International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE 2012).EI;

33) Liu Yun, Shiquan Hou. Thermal Infrared Remote sensing system techniques applications in agriculture. International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICTA2011)2011,3. V.2,290-293. (EI) ;

34) Liu Yun, Shiquan Hou. Analysis on Land Use Change in Urban Fringe Area based on the GIS Technology. The International Conference on Remote Sensing Environment and Transportation (RSETE 2011 ) 2011,6. V.7,6444-6447 .(EI) ;

35) Shiquan Hou, Yun Liu*. Study on Drivers of Cultivated land Change in Urban Fringe based on the Logistic Regression model. The International Conference on Remote Sensing Environment and Transportation (RSETE 2011 ) 2011,6. V.1,763-766.(EI);

36) 刘云. 区域地表温度反演及应用. 气象出版社,20116.


通讯地址:北京市昌平区史各庄街道北农路7号 北京农学院 生物与资源环境学院,邮编:102206

电子邮件: housqly@126.com

Curriculum Vitae

Personal information

Liu Yun, Ph.D., Professor, master supervisor (Beijing University of Agriculture, doctoral supervisorjoint training. As a visiting scholar, she has visited Wageningen University in the Netherlands (2008-2009, NUFFIC Project of China Scholarship Council) and Michigan State University in the United States (2014-2015, Beijing Higher Teacher Training Project), and was selected as a Beijing Young Backbone Teacher (2011), and the Great Wall Talent Reserve of Beijing University of Agriculture (2014). Head of research team of urban landscape ecology and non-point source pollution prevention and control, Beijing University of Agriculture. She is review experts National Natural Science Foundation of China (Department of Geography), Beijing Natural Science Foundation of China (Ministry of Urban Construction and Environmental Protection), Eco-Origin Product Protection (PEOP) and others.

Research interests

Assessment of regional landscape pattern and eco-environmental effects, simulation of ecosystem water carbon and nitrogen processes, sustainable land use and non-point source pollution regulation.

Research Projects

She has presided over more than 30 national, provincial and ministerial level and horizontal projects, the most important of which are:

1. Beijing Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: "Micro-transformation and Improvement" design of environment and landscape of Oral Village, Qiaozi Town, Huairou District, and Liuduhe Village, Bohai Town (2024.01-2025.12), 340,000 yuan, under research;

2. Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences: Water Quality analysis of Hara River in Arshan City (2024.01-2025.12), 135,000 yuan, in research;

3. Shanshui Botong (Ningxia) Environmental Technology Co., LTD. : Ejin River and Juyanhai Basin Ecological Security Investigation and Assessment (2023.10-2025.12), 300,000 yuan, in research;

4. Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission: Diagnosis of Soil Nutrient Status and improvement of carbon Requiring capacity of strawberries in Changping Facilities (20221.9-2023.09), 500,000 yuan, concluded;

5. Beijing Nature Foundation-Education Commission Joint Focus: Study on Different scale ecological green space Pattern and its impact on flood regulation and pollution purification function in Suburban Beijing (2018.01-2020.12), 800,000 yuan, concluded;

6. Research Center of Ecological Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences: Survey of typical urban ecological green space in Beijing, 50,000 yuan, in research;

7. China Agricultural University: Survey of farmers' Land use behavior, 100,000 yuan, in research;

8. Beijing Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources: The third soil survey of Yanqing District, Beijing, 100,000 yuan, in research;

9. 2017-2018 Beijing Forest and Fruit Industry Collaborative Innovation Project of Beijing Municipal Education Commission, Determination of haze reduction ability of different tree species in typical areas of Beijing, 2017/1-2018/12, 540,000 yuan, concluded;

10. Think Tank Project of Beijing Social Science Planning Office, Research on Ecosystem Service Function and ecological compensation Mechanism of typical watershed in suburban Beijing, 2017/1-12, 2,000 yuan, concluded;

11. Project Subproject of the Public Sector of the National Meteorological Administration, Research on Spatio-temporal Differences between Forest landscape Pattern and Service Function, 2014/01-2016/12,460,000 yuan, concluded;

12. Subproject of the "Ten-year Remote Sensing Survey" River Basin Special Project, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Center for Ecological Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ecosystem Pattern, Service Function and Evolution of Huaihe River Basin, 2011/12-2013/12,200,000 yuan, concluded;

13. Beijing Municipal Education Commission Young and Middle-aged Backbone Talents Project, Research on the optimization of Suburban Landscape Pattern, 2011/1-2013/12,120,000 yuan, concluded;

14. Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Study on the regulation mechanism of Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution using Landscape Pattern and Process Principle in Suburban Beijing, 2008/1-2011/12,480,000 yuan, concluded;

15. National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund Project, Application of Landscape Ecology and Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing in Sustainable Suburban Land Use, 2006/1-2008/12,270,000 yuan, concluded;

16. Excellent Talents Training Funding Project of Beijing Municipal Committee Organization Department, Quantitative research on eco-tourism resources in Beijing's shallow mountain area - taking Changping as an example, 2006/1-2007/12, 30,000 yuan, concluded.

Major Achievements

She has published more than 80 papers, participated in the compilation of 5 textbooks and 2 monographs, and adopted 8 suggestions by the government and enterprises. Among the most important are:

(1) Major honors and achievements

1) Obtained RS and GIS certification from the International Earth Observation Research Center (ITC) in the Netherlands;

2) China Ecological Origin Product Protection (PEOP) assessment expert certificate;

3) Many honorary titles from Beijing University of Agriculture: "Advanced Worker of Sanyu People" (2023), "Advanced Individual of Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation and Social Service" (2022), "Outstanding Contribution Award for scientific Research in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan Period (2011)," Outstanding Contribution Teacher for Employment Work "and" Excellent Trade Union Activist ".

4) For many years, She was awarded the "Excellent graduation Thesis for Undergraduate students" and "excellent graduation thesis for Master Students" by Beijing University of Agriculture.

5) Led the students to participate in the discipline competition and won the first prize of the First "Century Nongfeng Cup" Capital College Students' Planning and Design Competition for Improving the Value of Rural Land Space (China Association of Land Economics) (2023);

6) Won the third prize of "2018 Water Remote Sensing and 3S Industry Development Summit Forum" Excellent paper (2018);

7) The results report(Non-point Source Pollution Control Proposal for Typical villages and towns in Miyun Reservoir Basin)Beijing Social Science Planning Office),approved by the Secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee (2018).

(2) Represent results

1) Lulu Wanga, Xinchao Liu, Xiaoping Xin, Susie Wu, Tsegaye Gemechu Legesse, Yaoqi Zhang, Yun Liu, Zhiyuan Zhao, Kexin Cao, Xiaoyu Zhu*, Changliang Shao** .The greenhouse gas emissions from meat sheep production contribute double of household consumption in a Eurasian meadow steppe. Science of The Total EnvironmentVolume 920, 10 April 2024, 171014.

2) Junyi Chen, Chao Zhang, Yun Liu, Jie Tian*Jianbo Guo. In-Situ Improvement of the Sediment Microenvironment by Nitrate in Tailwater of Wastewater Treatment Plants Combined with Aerobic Denitrifying Bacteria under Low-DO Regulation. Water 2024, 16, 1000. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16071000.

3) Wang YuWang XihanHua LinglingLiu Yun* YANG LihuZHAO Mingcan. The influence of environmental factors on nitrogen release from the river sediment-water interface[J]. Environmental Science & Technology2024479):110-119.

4) Tian Jing, Chen Linhan, Zhang Yuhuan, Zhao Qun, Liu Yun *. Simulation of Cold island effect index and difference analysis based on ENVI-met. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture, 2019, 38 (4): 105-109.

5) Tian Jing, LI Xing, Zhao Qun, Liu Yun *, Liang Qiong. Simulation of green space unit and combined runoff production under rainfall scenario. 2023, 38 (2) : 26-30.

6) Wang Xi-hanLiuYun*Yang Li-huet alExperimental Study on Purification of eclaimed Water by iver Sediment under Different pH ConditionsJournal of Ecology and Rural Environment202238( 9) : 11811187

7) Wang Ying, Wang Xihan, Liu Yun *, Liang Qiong, Xu Yan, SHI Shengwei. Soil ecological stoichiometric characteristics of riparian zone under the influence of plain afforestation project: A case study of Changping Section of Wenyu River in Beijing. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2022, 36(3): 16-22.

8) Wang Xihan, Wang Ying, Liu Yun *, Yang Lihu, LIANG Qiong, ZHANG Qixi, WANG Junyi. Study on removal effect of nitrate nitrogen with different mass concentrations in simulated Chaobai River bed, Journal of Agro-Environmental Science, 2022, 41(1): 144-152;

9) Chen Junyi, WANG Kang, Guo Yulun, Zhu Konghao, Ba Ai-Rong, Liu Yun *, ZHAO Kang-Shun. Structural characteristics of food web in Baoan Lake based on stable isotope technique. Chinese Journal of Hydrobiology, 2012, 46 (5) : 699-706.

10) Wang Lulu, Xin Xiaoping, Liu Xin-Chao, Wu Ruqun, Jiang Minghong, Liu Yun *, Shao Chang-Liang *. Greenhouse gas emissions from Hulunbuir family ranch meat sheep based on whole-life cycle analysis. Chinese Journal of Applied & Environmental Biology, 2021, 27 (6): 1591-1600;

11) Qiong Liang; Chan Wang; Kexin Zhang; Shengwei Shi; Jiaxuan Guo; Fan Gao; Jie Liu; Jingxia n Wang; Yun Liu*. The influence of tree species on soil organic carbon stability under three temp erate forests in the Baihua Mountain Reserve, China, Global Ecology and Conservation, 2021, 26;

12) Liu Xinchao, Wang Lulu, Wu Ruqun, Xin Xiaoping, Liu Yun, Shao Changliang, LCA-based demonstration benefit evaluation of Hulunbuir ecological grassland husbandry technology integration, Scientia Agri Sinica, 2019,53(13):2703-2714;

13) Yanting Liu, Qiong Liang . Yun Liu* , Haolu Song, Xuyong Li. Study on Regions Non-point Source Pollution at Different Management Level in Longgang District of Shenzhen. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 310 (2019) , IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1755-1315/310/5/052008;

14) Ming Guo, Qiong Liang, Yun Liu*, JinFang Zhang. Study on the Difference of Surface Temperature among Different Vegetation Landscapes Detected by Ground Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 310 (2019) ,IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1755-1315/310/5/052009;

15) Liang Qiong, Pan Dongmei, Dai Yuxin, Shi Shuo, Wang Jingxian, Liu Yun *. Study on non-point source pollution at different management levels in Longgang District, Shenzhen. Water Remote Sensing and Intelligent Water Conservancy Practice (China Water Resources and Hydropower Press), 2019:218-226;

16) Wang Meng, Wang Jingxian, Liu Yun *, et al. Analysis of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution load from agricultural non-point sources in the Three Gorges Reservoir area of Hubei Province from 1991 to 2014. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 2018, 37 (2) : 294-301;

17) Wang Meng, Liu Yun *, Song Chao, et al. Soil erosion assessment in the Three Gorges Reservoir area of Yangtze River from 2000 to 2010 based on RULSLE model. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation, 2018, 38 (1) : 12-17;

18) Wang Meng, Liu Yun *, Li Chunlei, et al. Spatial and temporal distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus emissions from non-point sources in the Hubei section of the Three Gorges Reservoir area. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation, 2018, 38 (2) : 46-52;

19) Wang Meng, Liu Yichao, Liang Qiong, Liu Yun *, Chen Bo. Adsorption capacity of different tree species in Beijing urban forest Park. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture, 2018,33 (1), 79-83;

20) Liu Yichao, Wang Meng, Liang Qiong, Liu Yun *, Chen Bo. The ability of different tree species to absorb atmospheric particulate matter in Tongzhou, Beijing. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture, 2018,33 (1), 84-88;

21) Chen Yuyan, Wang Meng, Wang Jingxian, Liu Yun*, et al. Study on adsorptive ability of common tree species in Beijing University of Agriculture. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture,2018,33(04):100-103;

22) Li Xuyong, Zhang Wangshou, Liu Yun. Huaihe River basin ecosystem assessment. Beijing: China Science Press, 2017;

23) Zhi-Hui Chen,Ji Qi, Shuai Shi, Jing-Xian Wang, Yun Liu*. Investigation and Development of Eco-tourism Resources after Ecological Restoration in Mentougou District of Beijing.  Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 692 (2014) pp 103-108;(EI);

24) Ji Qi, Zhi-Hui Chen, Shuai Shi, Fan Gao, Yun Liu*. Evaluation of Eco-environment Quality in the Scale of County: a Case Study of Changping District. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 692 (2014) pp 109-114;(EI);

25) Shuai Shi, Zhi-Hui Chen, Ji Qi, Yun Liu *. Characteristics of Landscape (land use) change and its driving force in county - a case study of Shunyi district of Beijing. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 692 (2014) pp 115-120;(EI);

26) Ji Qi, Zhi-Hui Chen, Fan Gao, Yun Liu*. Change of Cultivated Land and Its Impaction Ecological Service Value in Pinggu District of Beijing. 2014 International Conference on Environmental Protection and Human Health (EPHH 2014), ISBN: 978-1-60595-230-7;(EI);

27) Zhi-Hui Chen, Ji Qi, Jing-Xian Wang, Yun Liu*. Loss Estimation of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution in the Surrounding Villages of the Ming Tombs Reservoir. 2014 International Conference on Environmental Protection and Human Health (EPHH 2014). ISBN: 978-1-60595-230-7;(EI);

28) Wang Zhi-Ying, Liu Yun *. Heavy metal pollution and distribution characteristics of soil and river dust deposits in the coastal zone of suburban watershed: A case study of Changping Section of Wenyu River. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 2013,32 (4): 783-791;

29) Wang Zhi-Ying, Liu Yun *. Analysis of influencing factors and pollution evaluation of heavy metals in dust accumulation in Changping section of Wenyu River. Research of Environmental Sciences, 2013,26 (8): 838-843; (EI);

30) Liu Yun, et al. Research on relativity between land use structure and agricultural non-point source pollution in upstream of Wenyu River. The International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE 2012).(EI;

31) Liu Yun, et al. Analysis on change and protection countermeasures of Miyun reservoir and wetlands in Beijing based on RS and GIS technology. The International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE 2012).(EI;

32) Liu Yun, et al. Estimation of ecosystem service value in Miyun Rervior and wetland of Beijing based on multi-source data. The International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE 2012).EI;

33) Liu Yun, Shiquan Hou. Thermal Infrared Remote sensing system techniques applications in agriculture. International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICTA2011)2011,3. V.2,290-293. (EI) ;

34) Liu Yun, Shiquan Hou. Analysis on Land Use Change in Urban Fringe Area based on the GIS Technology. The International Conference on Remote Sensing Environment and Transportation (RSETE 2011 ) 2011,6. V.7,6444-6447 .(EI) ;

35) Shiquan Hou, Yun Liu*. Study on Drivers of Cultivated land Change in Urban Fringe based on the Logistic Regression model. The International Conference on Remote Sensing Environment and Transportation (RSETE 2011 ) 2011,6. V.1,763-766.(EI);

36) Liu Yun. Regional land surface temperature inversion and its application. China Meteorological Press, June 2011.

Contact information

Postal address: College of Biology, Resources and Environment, Beijing University of Agriculture, No. 7, Beinong Road, Shigezhuang Street, Changping, Beijing, 102206

E-mail: housqly@126.com

关闭 打印责任编辑:刘泽宇

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