一. 自我介绍
二. 科研方向
三. 科研项目:
1. 黄淮海粮食主产区面源与重金属污染综合防治技术示范,科技部国家重点研发计划(2018YFD08003-05)
2. 京津冀地区农田土壤健康与生物多样性关联分析, 农业农村部农田建设管理司课题(24240025)
3. 设施农业土壤退化影响因子及地力提升措施分析,农业农村部农田建设管理司课题(21230011)
4. 平谷北寨红杏产业绿色发展的关键技术,中国农业大学绿色发展研究院开放课题(2021-04)
四. 主要成果:
1. 获得荣誉:
2. 出版物与专利:
贾月慧,刘杰. 一种用于田间植物叶面肥喷施的装置.2021.10.7.中国,ZL20210654043.7
贾月慧,刘杰,刘超杰,梁琼. 一种试验用栽培器皿,2017.5.3,ZL2016 2 0835240.8
3. 代表论文:
[1] Yuehui Jia, Jing Li, Xibai Zeng, Nan Zhang*, Jiong Wen, Jie Liu, Md. Abu Sayem Jiku, Cuixia Wu, Shiming Su* The performance and mechanism of cadmium availability mitigation by biochars differ among soils with different pH: Hints for the reasonable choice of passivators, Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 114903
[2] Jie Liu, Jumei Li , Yibing Ma, Enli Wang, Qiong Liang , Yuehui Jia* et al. Crop productivity and nitrogen balance as influenced by nitrogen deposition and fertilizer application in North China, Sustainability, 2019, 11(5), 1-13
[3] Yuehui Jia, Shengli Shi, Jie Liu *,Shiming Su, Qiong Liang, Xibai Zeng and Tingshu Li, Study of the Effect of pyrolysis temperature on the Cd2+ adsorption characteristics of biochar. Applied science, 2018, 8, 1019:1-14
五. 联系方式
1. Personal information
Yuehui Jia, Ph.D, Professor, Master's Supervisor.
Department of Resources and Environment, the College of Biology and Resource Environment, Beijing University of Agricultural. Member of the third national soil survey expert group, and member of the first batch of national animal husbandry green and low-carbon expert group, Member of the Beijing Soil Association.
2. Research interests
Cultivation of Healthy Soil and Establishment of Soil Carbon Sequestration Technology System
3. Research Projects
She has presided over more than 20 national, provincial and ministerial projects, among which the most important are:
(1) Demonstration of Comprehensive Prevention and Control Technology for Non-point Source and Heavy Metal Pollution in the main grain Producing Areas of the Huang Huai Hai region, Sub-project of Major R&D Program of Ministry of Science and Technology (2018YFD08003-05).
(2) Correlation Analysis between Soil Health and Biodiversity in Farmland in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, Project of the Farmland Construction Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (24240025).
(3) Analysis of Factors Affecting Soil Degradation in Facility Agriculture and Measures to Improve Soil Fertility, Project of the Farmland Construction Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (21230011)
(4) Key Technologies for Green Development of Pinggu Beizhai Red Apricot Industry, Open Project of China Agricultural University Green Development Research Institute (2021-04).
4. Major Achievements
She published more than 50 articles and received multiple awards, among which the most important are:
(1) Honors:
Outstanding Talents of Beijing (2008), exemplary individual of Beijing University of Agricultural "Three Educations" (2022), First Prize of "Great Northern Agriculture" Award (2014), First Prize of Beijing Agricultural University Curriculum Construction (2017);
(2) Publications and Patents:
Editor in Chief: Soil and Fertilizer Science , a national level planning textbook for the 13th Five Year Plan, published by China Forestry Press, August 2021;
Monograph: Fertilization Technology and Disease Control of Lettuce, China Agricultural Press, July 2020;
A Device for Foliar Fertilizer Spraying on Field Plants, Utility Model, ZL20210654043.7;
A Type of Experimental Cultivation Vessel, Utility Model, ZL2016 2 0835240.8
(3) Representative papers
Yuehui Jia, Jing Li, Xibai Zeng, Nan Zhang*, Jiong Wen, Jie Liu, Md. Abu Sayem Jiku, Cuixia Wu, Shiming Su* The performance and mechanism of cadmium availability mitigation by biochars differ among soils with different pH: Hints for the reasonable choice of passivators, Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 114903
Jie Liu, Jumei Li , Yibing Ma, Enli Wang, Qiong Liang , Yuehui Jia* et al. Crop productivity and nitrogen balance as influenced by nitrogen deposition and fertilizer application in North China, Sustainability, 2019, 11(5), 1-13
Yuehui Jia, Shengli Shi, Jie Liu *,Shiming Su, Qiong Liang, Xibai Zeng and Tingshu Li, Study of the Effect of pyrolysis temperature on the Cd2+ adsorption characteristics of biochar. Applied science, 2018, 8, 1019:1-14
5. Contact information
Postal address: College of Biology and Resource Environment Beijing University of Agriculture, No.7, Beinong Road, Huilongguan, Changping, Beijing, 102206
Contact number: 010-80794486; Email: yhjia@bua.edu.cn