
时间:2023-03-21 作者:胡祺凡 来源: 浏览:



2010 - 2016  北京化工大学,理学院,博士,导师:段雪院士

2006 - 2010  中央民族大学,生命与环境科学学院,本科  


2018 - 至今   北京农学院,生物与资源环境学院,副教授

2016 - 2018   北京大学,化学与分子工程学院,博士后




1. 北京市自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,光催化合成气转化制C2+含氧化合物用铜基金属碳化物异质结构光催化剂(2204079),主持;

2. 北京市教育委员会科技计划一般项目,光催化甲烷二氧化碳重整直接制高附加值化学品(KM202010020001),主持;

3. 北京高等学校高水平人才交叉培养实培计划项目,二维纳米光动力材料的制备及其生物诊疗研究、光敏/光热分子-LDHs复合材料的制备及其在癌症诊疗一体化的应用,主持;

4. 农产品有害微生物及农残安全检测与控制北京市重点实验室开放课题,超薄水滑石材料光催化降解四环素类抗生素的研究,主持;

5. 北京农学院,科技创新火花行动支持计划(BUA-HHXD2023),多功能LDH基纳米农药载药体结构设计及其增效机制的研究,主持;

6. 北京农学院青年科学基金,太阳能驱动合成气高效转化制高附加值化学品,主持。


1. Zhiwei Qin, Yinwen Li,* Meng Wang, Yanrui Su, Wa Gao,* Ding Ma, and Lin Yang, Promotion effect of Ag on syngas transformation to long-chain alcohols over CuFe catalysts, Chemical Communications, 2025, 61, 540-543. (IF=4.3)

2. Zilong Li, Nuo Xu, Shihua Liu, Yawen Wang, Vishnu D. Rajput, Tatiana Minkina, Faying Fan,* Wa Gao,* and Yufei Zhao*, Electrocatalysis coupled super-stable mineralization for the efficient treatment of phosphorus containing plating wastewater, Chemical Engineering Science, 2025, 302, 120910. (IF=4.1)

3. Meng Wang, Xiaoyu Li, Yanrui Su, Jiaoge Wu, Tian Sun, Xuan Xu, Faying Fan, Yufei Zhao,* and Wa Gao*, Satisfactory degradation of tetracycline by a pH-universal CoFe-LDH/MoS2 heterojunction catalyst in Fenton process, iScience, 2024, 27, 108996. (IF=4.6)

4. Wa Gao*, Yinwen Li, Dequan Xiao*, Ding Ma*, Advances in photothermal conversion of carbon dioxide to solar fuels, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2023, 83, 62-78. (IF=14.0)

5. Xiangkun Ran, Tian Sun, Runze Zhou, Chaojun Wei, Wa Gao* and Hanqing Zhao*, In situ formation of Cu2O decorated CuZnAl-layered double hydroxide heterostructured photocatalysts for enhancing the degradation of tetracycline under visible light, New J. Chem., 2023, 47, 2914.

6. Yufei Zhao, Wa Gao(共同第一作者), Siwei Li, Gareth R. Williams, Abdul Hanif Mahadi, and Ding Ma,* Solar versus thermal-driven catalysis for energy conversion, Joule, 2019, 3, 920-937. (中科院1区,IF=38.6)

7. Wa Gao, Rui Gao, Yufei Zhao, Mi Peng, Chuqiao Song, Mengzhu Li, Siwei Li, Jinjia Liu, Weizhen Li, Yuchen Deng, Mengtao Zhang, Jinglin Xie, Gang Hu, Zhaosheng Zhang, Run Long, Xiao-Dong Wen,* and Ding Ma,* Photo-Driven Syngas Conversion to Lower Olefins over Oxygen-Decorated Fe5C2 Catalyst, Chem, 2018, 4, 2917-2928. (中科院1区,IF=19.1)

8. Wa Gao,* A New Horizon for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Chem, 2018, 4, 2727-2729. (中科院1区,IF=19.1)

9. Wa Gao, Qingshan Zhu, and Ding Ma,* Nanostructured Catalyst for Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis, Chin. J. Chem., 2018, 36, 798-808. (IF=5.5)

10. Wa Gao, Yufei Zhao, Haoran Chen, Hao Chen, Yinwen Li, Shan He, Yingkui Zhang,   Min Wei,* David G. Evans and Xue Duan, Core-shell Cu@(CuCo-alloy)/Al2O3 catalysts for the synthesis of higher alcohols from syngas, Green Chem., 2015, 17, 1525-1534. (中科院1区,IF=9.3)    








Curriculum Vitae

I. Personal information

Gao Wa, female, Member of the Communist Party of China, of Mongolian ethnicity. Born in July 1987, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, Ph. D, Associate Professor, Master’s Supervisor.

The main research directions include: Theoretical research on the treatment of toxic, harmful and refractory organic wastewater and the development of new technologies. The development of LDH-based environmental functional materials and their applications in environmental pollution remediation, photocatalytic degradation and antibacterial fields. The research on agricultural nanomaterials and pesticide controlled - release preparations.

Contact Information

Office: A223, College of Bioscience and Resources Environment, Beijing University of Agriculture.

Email: gaowa@bua.edu.cn

II. Educational & Work Background

l Associate professor, Beijing University of Agriculture, College of Bioscience and Resources Environment, China. (2022-Present)

l Lecturer, Beijing University of Agriculture, College of Bioscience and Resources Environment, China. (2018-2022)

l Post-doctorate, Peking University, research under the supervision of Prof. Ma Ding.

l Ph. D, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, College of science, China. Supervisor: Academician Duan Xue. (2010-2016)

l Minzu University of China, College of Life and Environment Sciences, China. (2006-2010)

III. Teaching Curriculum

"Principles of Chemical Engineering," "General Chemistry," "Instrumental Analysis," "Fine Chemicals Engineering and Technology"

IV. Major Research Projects

1. National Natural Science Youth Foundation: Copper - based Metal Carbide Heterostructure Photocatalysts for the Conversion of Syngas to C2+ Oxygenates via Photocatalysis (2204079), Principal Investigator.

2. R&D Program of Beijing Municipal Education Commission: Direct Synthesis of High - value - added Chemicals from Methane - Carbon Dioxide Reforming via Photocatalysis (KM202010020001), Principal Investigator.

3. "Practical Training Program" for the Cross-cultivation of High - level Talents in Beijing Higher Education Institutions:

(1) Preparation of Two-Dimensional Nanophotodynamic Materials and Their Research in Biomedical Diagnosis and Treatment, Principal Investigator.

(2) Preparation of Photosensitive/Photothermal Molecule-LDHs Composites Materials and Their Integrated Applications in Integrated Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, Principal Investigator.

4. Open Project of Beijing Key Laboratory of Detection and Control of Spoilage Organisms and Pesticide Residues in Agricultural Products: Research on the Photocatalytic Degradation of Tetracycline-Class Antibiotics by Ultrathin Hydrotalcite Materials, Principal Investigator.

5. Beijing University of Agriculture, "Spark Action" Support Plan for Scientific and Technological Innovation (BUA - HHXD2023): Structural Design of Multifunctional LDH-Based Nanopesticide Carriers and Research on Their Synergistic Mechanisms, Principal Investigator.

6. Youth Science Foundation of Beijing University of Agriculture: Efficient Conversion of Syngas into High-Value Chemical Products Driven by Solar Energy, Principal Investigator.

V. representative papers

1. Zhiwei Qin, Yinwen Li,* Meng Wang, Yanrui Su, Wa Gao,* Ding Ma, and Lin Yang, Promotion effect of Ag on syngas transformation to long-chain alcohols over CuFe catalysts, Chem. Commun., 2025, 61, 540-543. (IF=4.3)

2. Zilong Li, Nuo Xu, Shihua Liu, Yawen Wang, Vishnu D. Rajput, Tatiana Minkina, Faying Fan,* Wa Gao,* and Yufei Zhao, Chem. Eng. Sci., 2025, 302, 120910. (IF=4.1)

3. Meng Wang, Xiaoyu Li, Yanrui Su, Jiaoge Wu, Tian Sun, Xuan Xu, Faying Fan, Yufei Zhao,* and Wa Gao*, Satisfactory degradation of tetracycline by a pH-universal CoFe-LDH/MoS2 heterojunction catalyst in Fenton process, iScience, 2024, 27, 108996. (IF=4.6)

4. Wa Gao*, Yinwen Li, Dequan Xiao*, Ding Ma*, Advances in photothermal conversion of carbon dioxide to solar fuels, J. Energy Chem., 2023, 83, 62-78. (IF=14.0)

5. Xiangkun Ran, Tian Sun, Runze Zhou, Chaojun Wei, Wa Gao* and Hanqing Zhao*, In situ formation of Cu2O decorated CuZnAl-layered double hydroxide heterostructured photocatalysts for enhancing the degradation of tetracycline under visible light, New J. Chem., 2023, 47, 2914.

6. Yufei Zhao, Wa Gao(co-first authors), Siwei Li, Gareth R. Williams, Abdul Hanif Mahadi, and Ding Ma,* Solar versus thermal-driven catalysis for energy conversion, Joule, 2019, 3, 920-937. (CAS Zone 1IF=38.6)

7. Wa Gao, Rui Gao, Yufei Zhao, Mi Peng, Chuqiao Song, Mengzhu Li, Siwei Li, Jinjia Liu, Weizhen Li, Yuchen Deng, Mengtao Zhang, Jinglin Xie, Gang Hu, Zhaosheng Zhang, Run Long, Xiao-Dong Wen,* and Ding Ma,* Photo-Driven Syngas Conversion to Lower Olefins over Oxygen-Decorated Fe5C2 Catalyst, Chem, 2018, 4, 2917-2928. (CAS Zone 1IF=19.1)

8. Wa Gao,* A New Horizon for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Chem, 2018, 4, 2727-2729. (CAS Zone 1IF=19.1)

9. Wa Gao, Qingshan Zhu, and Ding Ma,* Nanostructured Catalyst for Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis, Chin. J. Chem., 2018, 36, 798-808. (IF=5.5)

10. Wa Gao, Yufei Zhao, Haoran Chen, Hao Chen, Yinwen Li, Shan He, Yingkui Zhang,   Min Wei,* David G. Evans and Xue Duan, Core-shell Cu@(CuCo-alloy)/Al2O3 catalysts for the synthesis of higher alcohols from syngas, Green Chem., 2015, 17, 1525-1534. (CAS Zone 1IF=9.3)  

VI. major awards received

1.First Prize in the 13th Basic Teaching Skills Competition for Young Teachers at Beijing University of Agriculture.

2.Excellent Award in the Paper Competition of the 12th Basic Teaching Skills Competition for Young Teachers in Beijing Universities

3.Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Supervisor Award in Beijing's Regular Higher Education Institutions

4.Guided undergraduate students to participate in the National College Students' Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Social Practice and Technology Competition, winning Third Prize

5.Third Prize in the National Youth Science Popularization Innovation Experiment and Works Competition (Beijing Division)

6.Awards in various competitions including:

Beijing College Students' Chemical Engineering Principles Competition

Beijing College Students' Chemistry Competition

Beijing College Students' Biology Competition

Second and Third Prizes in the Capital "Challenge Cup" Subject Competition

关闭 打印责任编辑:刘泽宇

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