
时间:2022-09-27 作者:刘烨 来源: 浏览:



2005  毕业于中科院理化技术研究所,获理学博士学位


2000-2002  海尔科化工程塑料国家工程研究中心有限公司

2005-2014  北京农学院基础科学系(教学部)

2014-今    北京农学院生物与资源环境学院




2010年北京市委组织部优秀人才项目 1项:《多菌灵在京郊葡萄园中残留降解动态分析》。




横向课题:2012 1项、2021 横向课题2项、2022 横向课题1项。


2010  年北京市委组织部优秀人才;

2011  北京市教委年中青年骨干人才;

2021  北京市教委北京高校“优质本科教材”——《普通化学实验》

2012  北京农学院教育教学成果奖一等奖

2017  北京农学院教育教学成果奖1

2021  北京农学院教育教学成果奖1

2021  北京农学院先进党组织(担任支部书记)

2022  北京农学院“三育人”先进工作者

2023  北京农学院优秀共产党员

2024   北京市教委北京高校“优质本科课程”——普通化学



1. 主编省部级规划教材《普通化学实验》、《普通化学》、《普通化学学习指导》等4部,副主编及参编参编教材15部;

2. 授权国家发明专利

贾临芳魏朝俊; 赵建庄; 梁丹; 吴昆明; 曲江兰; 何文豪; 聂晓庆; 郭丽媛; 李西 ; 荧光探针化合物及其制备方法和应用, 2017-6-9, 中国, CN201510289006.X

3. 授权国家发明专利

贾临芳; 魏朝俊; 赵建庄; 梁丹; 吴昆明; 曲江兰; 何文豪; 聂晓庆; 郭丽媛; 李西 ; 荧光探针化合物及其制备方法和应用, 2017-2-22, 中国, CN201510287947.X

4. Wenfu Fu, Linfang Jia,Synthesis,CharacterizatioPhotoinduced Isomerization, and Spectroscopic Properties of Vinyl-1,8-naphthyridine Derivatives and Their Copper(I) Complexes, Inorganic Chemistry,2010.05

5. LinfangJia; Wen-Fu Fu; Ming-Ming Yu; Qian-Yong Cao; Jun-Feng Zhang; Qi Yin ; A novel hexaaquacopper (II) complex: [3 + 3] distorted octahedral coordination and inorganic–organic interface, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2005, 8(7): 647-650

6. 韩朝博; 魏朝俊; 赵文婷; 贾临芳* ; 噻菌灵杀菌剂在两种土壤中残留降解因素分析, 北京农学院学报 , 2017, 32(02): 56-59

7. 王 健,郭振华,贾临芳*,梁 丹,吴昆明,赵建庄,魏朝俊;多菌灵在北京地区葡萄园土壤中残留降解因素分析;第五届全国农业环境科学学术研讨会论文集,20134),724-730




北京农学院生资楼A224    电话: 010-80795297   邮箱:jialinfang@bua.edu.cn

I. Personal information

Jia Linfang, female, Ph.D, associate professor,  master's degree supervisor. She is currently a teacher of the Department of Applied Chemistry, College of Biology, Resources and Environment, Beijing University of Agriculture(BUA).

II.  Educational experience:

In 2005,She graduated from the Institute of Physics and Chemistry Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, with a doctorate in science.

II. Research interests

She is mainly engaged in the analysis and testing of pesticides and harmful substances.

III. Research Projects

She has presided over more than 10 national, provincial and ministerial projects, among which the most important are:

1. 2010: outstanding talent project of the Organization Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee

2. 2011: Young and Middle-aged Key Talents Project of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission: "

3. 2012: Science and Technology General Projects of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission

4. 2019: Practical Training Plan for cross-cultivation of high-level talents in Beijing higher education institutions. Horizontal topics: 1 in 2012, 2 in 2021, and 1 in 2022.

IV. Awards and honors:

1. 2010: Outstanding Talents of the 2010 Outstanding Talents of the Organization Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee;

2. 2011: Beijing Municipal Education Commission Mid-year Young Talents; 2021 Beijing Municipal Education Commission

3. Beijing Municipal Education Commission's "High-Quality Undergraduate Textbook" of Beijing Universities —— "General Chemistry Laboratory"

4. 2024 Beijing Municipal Education Commission's "High-Quality Undergraduate Course" of Beijing Universities —— General Chemistry

5. Guidance Student Award: Guidance Undergraduate students have won more than 20 prizes in previous competitions such as the Beijing College Student Chemistry Competition and the "Weirui Cup; North China Division of the National College Student Chemistry Experiment Innovation Design Competition.

V. Major Achievements

1. Editor-in-chief of 4 provincial and ministerial-level planned textbooks such as General Chemistry Experiments,General ChemistryGeneral Chemistry Study Guide, and deputy editor-in-chief and co-editor of 15 textbooks;

2. Authorized national invention patent : Jia Linfang; Wei Chaojun; Zhao Jianzhuang; Liang Dan; Wu Kunming; Qu Jianglan; He Wenhao; Nie Xiaoqing; Guo Liyuan; Li Xi; Fluorescent probe compounds and their preparation methods and applications, 2017-6-9, China, CN201510289006.X.

3. Authorized national invention patent: Jia Linfang; Wei Chaojun; Zhao Jianzhuang; Liang Dan; Wu Kunming; Qu Jianglan; He Wenhao; Nie Xiaoqing; Guo Liyuan; Li Xi; Fluorescent probe compounds and their preparation methods and applications, 2017-2-22, China,

4. Wenfu Fu, Linfang Jia,Synthesis,CharacterizatioPhotoinduced Isomerization, and Spectroscopic Properties of Vinyl-1,8-naphthyridine Derivatives and Their Copper(I) Complexes, Inorganic Chemistry,2010.05

5. LinfangJia; Wen-Fu Fu; Ming-Ming Yu; Qian-Yong Cao; Jun-Feng Zhang; Qi Yin ; A novel hexaaquacopper (II) complex: [3 + 3] distorted octahedral coordination and inorganic–organic interface, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2005, 8(7): 647-650

VI. Contact information

Postal address: College of Biology, Resources and Environment,, Beijing University of Agriculture, No. 7, Beinong Road, Huilongguan, Changping, Beijing, 102206

Contact number: 010-87095297

Email: jialinfang73@sina.com

关闭 打印责任编辑:刘泽宇

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