研究方向:农业昆虫与害虫防治 邮箱:guohonggang1@163.com 电话:010-80727620
2008.09-2012.06 河北农业大学动,植物检疫专业,理学学士学位
2012.09-2018.06 中国科学院大学,昆虫生态学专业,理学博士学位
2018.07-2019.05 中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,助理研究员
2019.06-2022.12 北京农学院,讲师
2023.01-至今 北京农学院,副教授
1、Guo HG, Shi X, Han J, Ren QH, Gao ZT, Zhang AH, Wang HX*, Du YL*. VOCs from fungi-infected apples attract and increase the oviposition of yellow peach moth Conogethes punctiferalis. Pest Manag Sci. 2023. Epub ahead of print.
2、Chen YH, Han J, Yang HQ, Qin XC, Guo HG*, Du YL*. Different maize ear rot fungi deter the oviposition of yellow peach moth (Conogethes punctiferalis (Guenée)) by maize volatile organic compounds. Agronomy, 2023, 13: 251
3、Guo HG, Miao SZ, Ai PP, Zhang MZ, Yan Z Du YL*. Bioactive volatile compounds from Penicillium digitatum-infected apples: Oviposition attractants for yellow peach moth Conogethes punctiferalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 2023, 7:1119717.
4、Guo HG, Han CY, Zhang AH, Yang AZ, Qin XC, Zhang MZ, Du YL*. Penicillium fungi mediate behavioral responses of the yellow peach moth, Conogethes punctiferalis (Guenée) to apple fruits via altering the emissions of host plant VOCs. Arch Insect Biochem Physiol. 2022, 110(3):e21895.
5、Guo HG, Meng L, Zhang MZ, Ren ZG, Qin XC, Du YL*. Binding specificity of OBPs in the yellow peach moth Conogethes punctiferalis (Guenée). J Appl Entomol. 2021, 145(10), 1001–1014.
6、Guo HG, Sun YC, Yan HY, Li CY, Ge F*. O3-induced priming defense associated with the abscisic acid signaling pathway enhances plant resistance to Bemisia tabaci. Front Plant Sci. 2020, 11: 93.
7、Guo HG, Sun YC, Yan HY, Li CY, Ge F*. O3-induced leaf senescence in tomato plants is ethylene signaling-dependent and enhances the population abundance of Bemisia tabaci. Front Plant Sci. 2018, 9: 764.
8、Guo HG, Wan SF, Ge F*. Effect of elevated CO2 and O3 on phytohormone-mediated plant resistance to vector insects and insect-borne plant viruses. Sci China Life Sci. 2017, 60(8): 816-825.
9、Guo HG, Ge F*. Root nematode infection enhances leaf defense against whitefly in tomato. Arthropod-Plant Inte, 2017. 11(1): 23-33.
10、郭洪刚,魏春花,张民照,覃晓春,杜艳丽*. 桃蛀螟气味结合蛋白CpunOBP3和CpunOBP4的基因克隆、原核表达及其与配体的结合特性分析. 昆虫学报, 2021. 64(03): 327-336.
11、郭洪刚,王世番,戈峰*. 植物激素信号调控的“植物病毒-植物-媒介昆虫”三者互作对气候变化的响应。中国科学:生命科学, 2017. 47(09): 928-935.