
时间:2023-09-18 作者:胡祺凡 来源: 浏览:

. 个人信息


. 研究兴趣


. 研究项目


1. “大思政课”视域下化学实验教材体系建设BUA2023JG29

2. 普通化学实验绿色-微型化的教学改革探索。

3. 气质联机技术在农药残留降解菌筛选中的开发应用。

4. 草莓中农药多残留分析及快速检测。

. 主要成就



1. 北京高校优秀本科实验教学指导教师

2. 国家级一流本科课程(3-3

3. 第二届北京高校教师教学创新大赛二等奖(3-3

4. 北京高校优质本科教材课件(2-2

5. 北京市教育数字化转型优秀案例

6. 北京市大学生化学实验竞赛一等奖(指导教师)


1. 主编 国家林业和草原局普通高等教育“十四五”重点规划教材《有机化学实验》(第3版)(2024.01

2. 主编 国家林业和草原局普通高等教育“十四五”规划教材《普通化学实验》(第2版)(2024.02

3. 主编 国家林业和草原局普通高等教育“十三五”规划教材《有机化学实验》(第2版)(2018.08)、

4. 主编 国家林业和草原局普通高等教育“十三五”规划教材《有机化学实验》(第2版)(2018.08)、《普通化学实验》(2016.06

5. 主编 国家林业和草原局普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材《有机化学实验》(2013.11

6. 副主编 国家林业和草原局普通高等教育“十三五”规划教材《普通化学学习指导》(2020.08

7. 普通高等教育农业部“十二五”规划教材、全国高等农林院校“十二五”规划教材《普通化学学习指导》(第二版)(2014.12


1. 梁丹,贾临芳,赵汗青,于宝义,高娃.应用型农林人才为导向的化学实验教材体系构建.高水平应用型都市农林人才培养体系的探索与实践, 2023:15-18.

2. 梁丹,于宝义,高娃,贾临芳.高等院校普通化学实验室废液控制方法初探.广东化工,2021(12):253254.

3. 梁丹,贾临芳,赵汗青,于宝义,高娃.“有机化学实验〞绿色-微型化探索与实践.复合应用型都市农林人才培养体系的探索与实践,2021203-206.

4. 梁丹,于宝义,曲江兰,赵汗青,高娃,贾临芳.农科院校化学实验现状及绿色化途径.现代农业科技,2020(19):253-254.

5. 梁丹,赵汗青,赵文婷,于宝义,苗芳芳,贾临芳.农林院校普通化学实验考核模式改革探讨.现代农业科技,2018(22):282+285.

6. 梁丹,赵建庄,于宝义,吴昆明,贾临芳.都市型农林院校普通化学实验绿色微型化探讨.现代农业科技,2017(16):280-281.

7. 蔡慧敏,曹之富,赵建庄,魏朝俊,袁烁,梁丹*.苯醚甲环唑降解菌BMJHZ-01的分离鉴定及降解影响因素.农药学学报,201517(5):590-595.

8. 史少然, 赵建庄, 范双喜, 吴昆明, 贾临芳, 梁丹*.生菜中高效氯氰菊酯农残分析方法的优化.食品安全质量检测学报,2014.5(3):921-924.



联系电话: 010-80799183

I. Personal information

Liang Dan,graduated from the School of Plant Science and Technology at Beijing Agricultural University in 2019, and currently serves as the Deputy Director of the Experimental Teaching Center at the School of Biology and Resource Environment. Mainly engaged in chemical experimental technology and experimental teaching, responsible for teaching and student guidance of courses such as "General Chemistry Experiment", "Organic Chemistry Experiment II", "Organic Chemistry Experiment II", "Natural Product Chemistry Experiment", etc.

II. Research interests

Pesticide residue analysis, green miniaturization research in chemical experiments, laboratory construction and management.

III. Research Projects

Hosted and completed 4 teaching and research projects.

1. Construction of Chemistry Experiment Textbook System from the Perspective of "Great Ideological and Political Course" (BUA2023JG29)

2. Exploration of teaching reform for green and miniaturized general chemistry experiments.

3. Development and application of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry technology in screening pesticide residue degrading bacteria.

4. Analysis and rapid detection of pesticide residues in strawberries.

IV. Major Achievements

Received 1 national level award, 13 provincial and ministerial level awards, and 27 school level awards. Edited 5 provincial and ministerial level planning textbooks, co edited 2 provincial and ministerial level planning textbooks, and participated in the compilation of 10 textbooks. The first author/corresponding author has published over 10 papers.

(Ⅰ) Major prize-winning achievements

1. Excellent undergraduate experimental teaching instructor in Beijing universities

2. National first-class undergraduate courses (3-3)

3. Second Prize in the 2nd Beijing University Teachers' Teaching Innovation Competition (3-3)

4. High quality undergraduate textbooks and courseware for Beijing universities (2-2)

5. Excellent cases of digital transformation in education in Beijing

6. First Prize in Beijing College Student Chemistry Experiment Competition (Instructor)

(Ⅱ) Representative works

1. Editor in chief of the "14th Five Year Plan" key planning textbook for higher education of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, "Organic Chemistry Experiment" (3rd edition) (January 2024)

2. Editor in chief of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration's "14th Five Year Plan" textbook for higher education, "General Chemistry Experiments" (2nd edition) (February 2024)

3. Editor in chief of the textbook "Organic Chemistry Experiment" (2nd edition) for the 13th Five Year Plan for General Higher Education of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration (August 2018)

4. Editor in chief of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration's 13th Five Year Plan textbooks for higher education, "Organic Chemistry Experiments" (2nd edition) (August 2018) and "General Chemistry Experiments" (June 2016)

5. Editor in chief of the textbook "Organic Chemistry Experiment" (November 2013) for the 12th Five Year Plan for General Higher Education of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration

6. Deputy Editor in Chief of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration's "Thirteenth Five Year Plan" Textbook for General Higher Education, "Guidance for General Chemistry Learning" (August 2020)

7. Textbook for the 12th Five Year Plan of the Ministry of Agriculture for General Higher Education, and Textbook for the 12th Five Year Plan of National Higher Agricultural and Forestry Colleges, "Guidance for General Chemistry Learning" (Second Edition) (December 2014)

(Ⅲ) Representative papers

1. Liang Dan, Jia Linfang, Zhao Hanqing, Yu Baoyi, Gao Wa Construction of a chemical experimental textbook system guided by applied agricultural and forestry talents Exploration and Practice of High level Application oriented Urban Agriculture and Forestry Talent Training System, 2023:15-18.

2. Liang Dan, Yu Baoyi, Gao Wa, Jia Linfang Preliminary exploration of waste liquid control methods in general chemistry laboratories of higher education institutions Guangdong Chemical Industry, 2021 (12): 253-254

3. Liang Dan, Jia Linfang, Zhao Hanqing, Yu Baoyi, Gao Wa Exploration and Practice of Green Microscale Organic Chemistry Experiment. Exploration and Practice of Composite Application oriented Urban Agriculture and Forestry Talent Training System, 2021203-206

4. Liang Dan, Yu Baoyi, Qu Jianglan, Zhao Hanqing, Gao Wa, Jia Linfang The current situation and green approach of chemical experiments in agricultural colleges Modern Agricultural Technology, 2020 (19): 253-254

5. Liang Dan, Zhao Hanqing, Zhao Wenting, Yu Baoyi, Miao Fangfang, Jia Linfang Discussion on the reform of the assessment mode for general chemistry experiments in agricultural and forestry colleges Modern Agricultural Technology, 2018 (22): 282+285

6. Liang Dan, Zhao Jianzhuang, Yu Baoyi, Wu Kunming, Jia Linfang Exploration of Green Miniaturization of General Chemistry Experiments in Urban Agriculture and Forestry Colleges Modern Agricultural Technology, 2017 (16): 280-281

7. Cai Huimin, Cao Zhifu, Zhao Jianzhuang, Wei Chaojun, Yuan Shuo, Liang Dan * Isolation, identification, and degradation influencing factors of BMJHZ-01, a bacterium capable of degrading benzothiazole Journal of Pesticide Science, 2015, 17 (5): 590-595

8. Shi Shaoran, Zhao Jianzhuang, Fan Shuangxi, Wu Kunming, Jia Linfang, Liang Dan * Optimization of Analysis Method for Pesticide Residues of High Efficiency Cypermethrin in Lettuce Journal of Food Safety and Quality Testing, May 2014 (3): 921-924

V. Contact information

Postal address: College of Bioscience and Resources EnvironmentBeijing University of Agriculture, No. 7, Beinong Road, Huilongguan, Changping, Beijing, 102206

Contact number: 010-80799183

关闭 打印责任编辑:王俭成

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