
时间:2022-09-28 作者:刘烨 来源: 浏览:



2004-2009年  毕业于北京林业大学,获农学博士学位








3.Studies on the Morphology Development and Autolytic Process of peach Endocarp Cell During Pit Hardening Process,Ai-Zhen YANG et al, The 3rd International

English Resume

Yang Aizhen, Senior Experimentor, Agricultural Doctor She awarded in Beijing forestry University in 2009.

1. Personal information

Yangaizhen services as the Deputy Director of the Management of Key Laboratory of Urban Agriculture in North China , Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, mainly responsible for the daily management of the public platform instruments and the construction work .At the same time,She is teaching or preparing for the experimental class "Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering" on Biotechnology major and  "Instrumental Analysis" on the Applied Chemistry major.

2. Research Directions: Cultivation of fruit trees, biochemistry and molecular biology.

3. Representative Achievements:

1Hosted 1 Beijing Municipal Outstanding Talent Scientific Research Project and 1 National Engineering Laboratory for Forest Tree Breeding Scientific Research Project, participated in 4 National Fund projects and more than 10 provincial and ministerial projects.

2Changes in sugar accumulation and lignin deposition during the development of the endocarp in peach fruit, Yang Aizhen, Zhang Zhiyi, Caoijuan, Meng Hailin, Wang Younian, Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2009, 36(8 1113-1119.

3Changes in sorbitol and enzyme activity during the development of peach fruit, Yang Aizhen, Zhanghiyi, Meng Hailin, Wang Yiming, Li Nan, Guan Wei, Wang Younian, Journal of Forestry Science, 2009, 45(5): 143-147.

4Studies on the Morphology Development and Autolytic Process of peach Endarp Cell During Pit Hardening Process, Ai-Zhen YANG et al, The 3rd International


关闭 打印责任编辑:刘之恒

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