2015.9-2019.6 中国农业科学院/华中农业大学博士农业昆虫与害虫防治
2012.10-2015.9 海南大学硕士农业昆虫与害虫防治
2008.9-2012.6 海南大学本科植物保护
2019.8-2022.7 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所博士后
Ø 机制难寻?肠道菌群!
Ø 强适应性?水平转移!
Ø 绿色防控?靶标干扰!
1. Yue Tong,…Aihuan Zhang*, Qian Li*. Nanomaterial-mediated RNAi reveals the effect of the oral secretory protein serine protease inhibitor on the growth of Conogethespunctiferalislarvae. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2025, 208:106290. (中科院1区,共同通讯作者,IF2023:4.2).
2. Jiayu Li, …Yanli Du*,Qian Li*. The cultivable gut bacteria Enterococcus mundtii promotes early-instar larval growth of Conogethespunctiferalis via enhancing digestive enzyme activity. Pest Management Science, 2024, 80:6179-6188. (中科院1区,共同通讯作者,IF2023:3.8)
3.Qian Li, Wangying Li, ZhiyingJin, et al. Penicillium-infected apples benefit larval development of Conogethespunctiferalisvia alterations of their gut bacteria community and gene expression, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2024,72: 7774-7783. (中科院1区,第一作者,IF2023:6.1)
4. Qian Li, Jia Fan, Yu Cheng, et al. Metabolic relay gene of aphid and primary symbiont as RNAi target loci for aphid control, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 13: 1092638. (中科院2区,第一作者,IF2022:5.6)
5. Qian Li, Jia Fan, Yu Cheng, et al.ilvE as a potential RNAi target to inhibit amino acid synthesis to control the wheat aphid Sitobion miscanthi. EntomolgiaGeneralis, 2023, 43,177-185. (中科院1区,第一作者,IF2022:6.9)
6. Qian Li, Yu Fu, Xiaobei Liu, et al. Activation of wheat defense response by Buchneraaphidcola-derived small chaperone protein GroES in wheat aphid saliva. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70, 1058-1067.(中科院1区,第一作者,IF2021:5.279)
7. Qian Li, Jingxuan Sun, Yaoguo Qin, et al. Reduced insecticide susceptibility of the wheat aphid Sitobion miscanthi after infection by the secondary bacterial symbiont Hamiltonelladefensa. Pest Management Science, 2021, 77: 1936-1944. (中科院1区,第一作者,IF2021:4.845)
8. Qian Li, Jia Fan, Jingxuan Sun, et al. Anti-plant defense response strategies mediated by the secondary symbiont Hamiltonelladefensa in the wheat aphid Sitobion miscanthi. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10: 2419.(中科院2区,第一作者,IF2019:4.235)
9. Qian Li, Jia Fan, Jingxuan Sun, et al. Plant-mediated horizontal transmission of Hamiltonelladefensa in the wheat aphid Sitobion miscanthi. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66: 13367-13377. (中科院1区,第一作者,IF2018:3.571)
10. Qian Li, Jia Fan, Jingxuan Sun, et al. Effect of the secondary symbiont Hamiltonelladefensa on fitness and relative abundance of Buchneraaphidicolaof wheat aphid, Sitobion miscanthi.Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9: 582.(中科院2区,第一作者,IF2018:4.258)
Dr. Qian Li,Lecturer
Department:Plant Protection
Research Area:My research focuses on the outbreak mechanisms of key horticultural plant pests and the development of green control technologies. This includes investigating the epigenetic mechanisms mediated by insect gut symbionts/microbiota, the adaptive mechanisms facilitated by horizontal gene transfer in insects, and the discovery of new pest control targets based on RNA interference (RNAi) strategies.
Office Phone:010-80727620
Ph.D. in Agricultural Insects and Pest Management
China Academy of Agriculture Science / Huazhong Agricultural University, Sept 2015 - Jun 2019
M.Sc. in Agricultural Insects and Pest Management
Hainan University, Oct 2012 - Sept 2015
B.Sc. in Plant Protection
Hainan University, Sept 2008 - Jun 2012
Professional Experience
Postdoctoral Researcher
Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Aug 2019 - Jul 2022
Beijing University of Agriculture, Jul 2022 - Present
Research Focus
l Gut Microbiota: Mediators of Epigenetic Mechanisms
Gut microbiota plays a crucial role in mediating host insect nutritional metabolism, detoxification resistance, and immune regulation. Our research focuses on Conogethespunctiferalis, a major horticultural pest, to explore the role of gut bacteria in ecological adaptation, detoxification of secondary metabolites, host plant conversion, and nutritional metabolism. This research offers valuable theoretical and applied insights into understanding the epigenetic mechanisms mediated by gut bacteria and screening biocontrol resources.
l Horizontal Gene Transfer: Mechanisms of Strong Adaptability
One of the primary reasons for pest outbreaks is their strong adaptability to environmental changes and host plants. During the long evolutionary process, insects may have acquired exogenous genes from bacteria, fungi, or plants through accidental infection, which are then fixed within their genomes—these are known as horizontal transfer genes. The strong adaptability of pests is potentially linked to these genes. Our research focuses on major horticultural pests like thrips and aphids, using bioinformatic analysis to identify horizontal transfer genes in their genomes, thus providing new perspectives for understanding insect-plant interactions.
l Green Pest Control: Targeted Disruption
Leveraging the critical roles of gut microbiota, endosymbionts, and horizontal gene transfer in insect growth, development, and adaptability, our research utilizes technologies such as RNA interference (RNAi), virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS), and synthetic microbiomes to explore novel green pest control strategies.
Representative Achievements
I have led in several research projects, including youth funds from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the China Postdoctoral Fund, the Beijing Natural Science Foundation, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission General Science Program, and other key school projects. As the first or corresponding author, 10 academic papers were published.
1. Yue Tong,…Aihuan Zhang*, Qian Li*. Nanomaterial-mediated RNAi reveals the effect of the oral secretory protein serine protease inhibitor on the growth of Conogethespunctiferalislarvae. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2025, 208:106290. (Co-corresponding author, IF2023:4.2).
2. Jiayu Li, …Yanli Du*,Qian Li*. The cultivable gut bacteria Enterococcus mundtii promotes early-instar larval growth of Conogethespunctiferalis via enhancing digestive enzyme activity. Pest Management Science, 2024, 80: 6179-6188. (Co-corresponding author, IF2023:3.8)
3. Qian Li, Wangying Li, ZhiyingJin, et al. Penicillium-infected apples benefit larval development of Conogethespunctiferalisvia alterations of their gut bacteria community and gene expression, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2024, 72: 7774-7783. (First author,IF2023:6.1)
4. Qian Li, Jia Fan, Yu Cheng, et al. Metabolic relay gene of aphid and primary symbiont as RNAi target loci for aphid control, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 13: 1092638. (First author, IF2022:5.6)
5. Qian Li, Jia Fan, Yu Cheng, et al. ilvE as a potential RNAi target to inhibit amino acid synthesis to control the wheat aphid Sitobion miscanthi. EntomolgiaGeneralis, 2023, 43,177-185. (First author, IF2022:6.9)
6. Qian Li, Yu Fu, Xiaobei Liu, et al. Activation of wheat defense response by Buchneraaphidcola-derived small chaperone protein GroES in wheat aphid saliva. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70, 1058-1067. (First author,IF2021: 5.279)
7. Qian Li, Jingxuan Sun, Yaoguo Qin, et al. Reduced insecticide susceptibility of the wheat aphid Sitobion miscanthi after infection by the secondary bacterial symbiont Hamiltonelladefensa. Pest Management Science, 2021, 77: 1936-1944. (First author,IF2021: 4.845)
8. Qian Li, Jia Fan, Jingxuan Sun, et al. Anti-plant defense response strategies mediated by the secondary symbiont Hamiltonelladefensa in the wheat aphid Sitobion miscanthi. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10: 2419. (First author, IF2019: 4.235)
9. Qian Li, Jia Fan, Jingxuan Sun, et al. Plant-mediated horizontal transmission of Hamiltonelladefensa in the wheat aphid Sitobion miscanthi. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66: 13367-13377. (First author, IF2018: 3.571)
10. Qian Li, Jia Fan, Jingxuan Sun, et al. Effect of the secondary symbiont Hamiltonelladefensa on fitness and relative abundance of Buchneraaphidicolaof wheat aphid, Sitobion miscanthi.Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9: 582. (First author, IF2018: 4.258)
All published articles can be accessed at ResearchGate Profile.