
时间:2022-10-29 作者:刘烨 来源: 浏览:











[1] Yang YP, Zhang HM, Yuan HY, Duan GL, Jin DC, Zhao FJ, Zhu YG. Microbe mediated arsenic release from iron minerals and arsenic methylation in rhizosphere controls arsenic fate in soil-rice system after straw incorporation. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 236: 598-608.(Q1, IF 9.988)

[2] Yang YP, Wang P, Yan HJ, Zhang HM, Cheng WD, Duan GL, Zhu YG. NH4H2PO4-extractable arsenic provides a reliable predictor for arsenic accumulation and speciation in pepper fruits (Capsicum annum L.). Environmental Pollution, 2019, 251: 651-658.(Q1, IF 9.988)

[3] Yang YP, Tang XJ, Zhang HM, Cheng WD, Duan GL, Zhu YG. The characterization of arsenic biotransformation microbes in paddy soil after straw and biochar amendments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 391: 122200.(Q1, IF 14.224)

[4] Duan GL, Shao GS, Tang Z, Chen HP, Wang BX, Tang Z, Yang YP, Liu YC, Zhao FJ. Genotypic and environmental variations in grain cadmium and arsenic concentrations among a panel of high yielding rice cultivars. Rice, 2017, 10: 9-21.(Q1, IF 5.638)

[5] Yi XY, Yang YP, Yuan HY, Chen Z, Duan GL, Zhu YG. Coupling metabolisms of arsenic and iron with humic substances through microorganisms in paddy soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 373: 591-599.(Q1, IF 14.224)

[6] Yan HJ, Wang XD, Yang YP, Duan GL, Zhang HM, Cheng WD. The effect of straw-returning on antimony and arsenic volatilization from paddy soil and accumulation in rice grains. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 263: 114581.(Q1, IF 9.988)

[7] Liu L, Yang YP, Duan GL, Wang J, Tang XJ, Zhu YG. The chemical-microbial release and transformation of arsenic induced by citric acid in paddy soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 421: 126731.(Q1, IF 14.224)

[8] Liu L, Shen RL, Zhao ZQ, Ding LJ, Cui HL, Li G, Yang YP, Duan GL, Zhu YG. How different nitrogen fertilizers affect arsenic mobility in paddy soil after straw incorporation? Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 436: 129135.(Q1, IF 14.224)

[9] Liu YQ, Lv WX, Zhao ZQ, Yang YP, Zhang LX, Wang LY, Jing CY, Duan GL, Zhu YG. Aluminum adsorption and antimonite oxidation dominantly regulate antimony solubility in soils. Chemosphere, 2022, 309: 136651.(Q1, IF 8.943)

[10]段桂兰,王芳,岑况,杨雨萍,程旺大,张红梅.秸秆及生物炭添加对猪粪沼渣施肥水稻重金属积累的影响.环境科学学报, 2017, 37 (11): 4287-4295.

[11]颜惠君,王伯勋,唐仲,杨雨萍,王学东,段桂兰,赵方杰.田间水肥管理措施及石灰施用对水稻Cd、As积累的影响.农业环境科学学报, 2018, 37 (7): 1448-1455.

[12]段桂兰,崔慧灵,杨雨萍,扆幸运,朱冬,朱永官.重金属污染土壤中生物间相互作用及其协同修复应用.生物工程学报, 2020, 36 (3): 455-470.

[13]贾月慧,刘杰,杨雨萍,郭迎节.一种用于田间植物叶面肥喷施的装置: ZL202120654043.7[P].国家知识产权局, 2021-12-07.









Curriculum Vitae

I. Personal information

Yu-Ping Yang, PhD in Environmental Science, master supervisor. Lecturer of Department of Resources and Environment in College of Bioscience and Resources Environment, Beijing University of Agriculture (BUA).

II. Research interests

Soil environmental science; Soil pollution prevention and remediation; Environmental microbiology; Microbial ecology.

III. Research Projects

She has presided and participated in many national, provincial and ministerial projects, among which the most important are:

1. Youth Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42107436).

2. General Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21677157; 41371458; 41977323).

3. Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41991332).

4. National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFD0800402; 2018YFD0800202).

5. Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (201403015).

IV. Major Achievements

She has published more than 20 articles, won 8 provincial and ministerial awards, and also participated as the main drafter in the formulation of a national standard.

(Ⅰ) Major prize-winning achievements

1. Second Prize in Paper Category, the 13th Beijing University Young Teachers' Basic Teaching Skills Competition, 2023.

2. Third Prize, the 8th China Undergraduate Life Sciences Contest (Scientific Inquiry Category) (first supervisor), 2023.

3. Merit Award, the 4th National College Students' Practical Skills Competition in Agricultural Resources and Environment (first supervisor), 2024.

4. Merit Award, the 6th Beijing Social Practice and Science and Technology Competition for College Students on Energy Conservation, Water Conservation and Carbon Emissions Reduction (first supervisor), 2024.

(Ⅱ) Representative works

1. National Standard, GB/T 44741-2024, Determination methods of soil bioavailable arsenic at the origin of agricultural products, 2024-10-26 (9/20).

2. Duan GL, Yang YP, Yi XY, Zhu YG. The application of organics promotes arsenic methylation in paddy soils[M]//Environmental Arsenic in a Changing World. CRC Press, 2019: 247-248.

3. Duan GL, Yang YP, Yi XY, Zhu YG. The association of the biogeochemical processes between arsenic and organic substances in paddy soils[M]//Arsenic in the Environment: Bridging Science to Practice for Sustainable Development As2021. CRC Press, 2023: 173-174.

(Ⅲ) Representative papers

1. Yang YP, Zhang HM, Yuan HY, Duan GL, Jin DC, Zhao FJ, Zhu YG. Microbe mediated arsenic release from iron minerals and arsenic methylation in rhizosphere controls arsenic fate in soil-rice system after straw incorporation. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 236: 598-608.

2. Yang YP, Wang P, Yan HJ, Zhang HM, Cheng WD, Duan GL, Zhu YG. NH4H2PO4-extractable arsenic provides a reliable predictor for arsenic accumulation and speciation in pepper fruits (Capsicum annum L.). Environmental Pollution, 2019, 251: 651-658.

3. Yang YP, Tang XJ, Zhang HM, Cheng WD, Duan GL, Zhu YG. The characterization of arsenic biotransformation microbes in paddy soil after straw and biochar amendments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 391: 122200.

4. Li HQ, Lv JP, Jia YH, Liu J, Liang Q, Zhou J, Yang AZ, Yan T, Yang YP, Duan GL. Conventional and biodegradable microplastics affected arsenic mobility and methylation in paddy soils through distinct chemical-microbial pathways. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2025, 481: 136533.

5. Yi XY, Yang YP, Yuan HY, Chen Z, Duan GL, Zhu YG. Coupling metabolisms of arsenic and iron with humic substances through microorganisms in paddy soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 373: 591-599.

6. Yan HJ, Wang XD, Yang YP, Duan GL, Zhang HM, Cheng WD. The effect of straw-returning on antimony and arsenic volatilization from paddy soil and accumulation in rice grains. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 263: 114581.

7. Liu L, Yang YP, Duan GL, Wang J, Tang XJ, Zhu YG. The chemical-microbial release and transformation of arsenic induced by citric acid in paddy soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 421: 126731.

8. Zhao ZB, Zhang HZ, Jia TS, Wang LB, Yang YP, Wu YF. Investigation on the applicability of lime amendments in the paddy soils polluted by e‑waste dismantling for reducing the content of Cd and As in rice grains. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2024, 1-14.

9. Gao Y, Li SR, Pan Y, Liu J, Zhou J, Yang AZ, Yang YP, Jia YH. Distribution characteristics of fungi in soil aggregates of greenhouse soil. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture, 2024, 39 (3): 16-22. (In Chinese)

10. Pan Y, Sun N, Kang YK, Xiong RX, Hu YZ, Li HQ, Zhou J, Liu J, Yang YP, Zhang WD. Effect of organic fertilizer application on microbial carbon metabolism function in aggregates of fluvo-aquic soil. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture, 2024, 39 (4): 13-20. (In Chinese)

11. Duan GL, Cui HL, Yang YP, Yi XY, Zhu D, Zhu YG. Interactions among soil biota and their applications in synergistic bioremediation of heavy-metal contaminated soils. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology, 2020, 36 (3): 455-470. (In Chinese)

V. Contact information

Postal address: College of Bioscience and Resources Environment, Beijing University of Agriculture, No.7, Beinong Road, Shigezhuang Street, Changping District, Beijing, 102206.

E-mail: ypyang@bua.edu.cn

关闭 打印责任编辑:刘泽宇

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